Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

“Hey, kid! I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever. Are you doing ok?” sang Logan, extending his arms for a hug.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Another lie I spilled out while I accepted his embrace. I sat down next to Drake and he slung his arm around me. I felt oddly uncomfortable. I was so guilty. I wanted to get down on my knees right there and cry my eyes out with apologies spilling out of my mouth like waterfalls and beg for him not to break up with me, but I just sat there and pretended I wasn’t thinking anything.

“Everything ok?” he asked referring to my chat with Lacey in the bedroom. I nodded and smiled. I could tell that he knew I was lying. I had been lying to him so much lately, it hurt so badly.

“Truth or dare, Lacey?” asked Logan.

“Truth.” Slurred Lacey. Now it was obvious, she was hammered.

“Share your deepest darkest secret.” Called Logan with confidence. Lacey maniacally smirked and giggled before answering.

“Ok, I fucked Eli freshman year.” She said. The room was dead silent. You could hear a pin drop.

“Holy shit.” Added Logan after what seemed like hours of complete silence. Eli looked petrified. It was obvious that no one here knew about that except those two. My heart dropped through the floor. I felt like punching her in the face, and that’s exactly what I did. My mind blurred through the whole thing, and when the blurriness faded, Lacey was on the ground with her nose bleeding, and everyone freaking out. Lacey’s blood was on my knuckles and they ached. I was shocked at myself. I punched my best friend in the face and I had trouble taking that information in.

“BROOKE WHAT THE HELL?!” boomed Logan. Drake had me by the arm so I didn’t do anything else and he muttered, “What are you thinking?” over and over when I wouldn’t answer him. I was too paralyzed to say a word. How could both of them have hidden from me that they had sex in 9th grade? I thought we were all best friends but apparently there was a lot I didn’t know.

I blinked and Eli was dragging me into the bedroom and he slammed the door behind us.

“What the fuck Brooke?” He exclaimed.

“I could say the same to you!” I commanded.

“I’m sorry Brooke…”

“You have a LOT of explaining to do, and I suggest you start now.” I could hear Lacey’s cries in the next room. I doubt it was that painful. Eli let out a long sigh and sat me down on the bed.

“In 9th grade, we were friends, and Lacey made me believe that she was in love with me, and made me fall in love with her too. So she tricked me into having sex with her, but it was really only so she could loose her virginity because she didn’t want to be tight when she had sex with other people. I hid it from you because I couldn’t bear to have my friendship with you tarnished, so I made Lacey keep it secret too.” I couldn’t say anything. Even if I tried to choke out one measly word, my throat wouldn’t allow me. It felt like it was contracting and closing and no air could get through it. I was so mad I felt like I could punch someone again. I clenched both of my fists.

Eli got down on his knees in front of me and took both of my hands in his.

“Brooke please. I know I’m a complete ass hole and I don’t deserve your forgiveness but I’m begging you, please try to understand why I did this. I can’t loose you.” If I did try to speak, I don’t know what I would say. I was so angry, I felt my temperature rising.  As if I didn’t have enough to deal with right now, they dump this on this on my shoulders too? It felt like they were trying to kick me while I was down.

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