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You were walking to the band room, Gilbert, Antonio, and Francis hadasked you to come. When you opened the door you had to hold in agiggle as you saw Gilbert playing an air guitar with a broom, Franciswas doing his best to remember the piano lessons he had once takenwhile Antonio was singing Spanish lullabies softly.

You finally let out a giggle as the three turned surprised to seeyou. Weren't you supposed to come in fifteen minutes?! Looking at theclock they realized it was time, they lost track of time.

"Fraulien, (beautiful woman,) ve didn't think you'd be here soon."Gilbert said awkwardly putting the broom down.

"That's so cute guys!" You giggle walking into the room, "whatwere you doing?"

"We were trying to do zome zong for you,boo. (sweetheart.)" Francis answered smiling slightly as you lookedconfused.

"You've seemed really stressed lately, chica, (girl,) we hoped tomake you smile." Antonio ended as you smiled happily.

"Mission accomplished then." You said with a giggle and walkedover to give them all hugs. "Merci, Gracies, Danke. (Thank you,thank you, thank you.)" You thanked all of them in their nativelanguage as you gave them a hug. It was true, midterms were coming upand you had been studying, staying up late and all, and you werestressed and sleepy and annoyed. "I didn't realize you guys couldtell I was stressed." You mumbled playing with your fingers as youlooked down at the floor.

"You 'aven't been your usual sweet self lately." Francisexplained taking your hand in his own. "your still sweet and'elpful but you don't see as happy." He explained as Antoniowrapped his arms around your waist and Gilbert threw his arm overyour shoulder.

"It worked, thank you guys." You said with a wide smile as theyall let out their unique laughs.

"I knew jou couldn't resist mein (my) awesomeness!" Gilbertpractically sang as you smiled.

"I could never resist any of you guys." You giggled beforelooking at the clock. "Oh I have to go to class! I'll see you guyslater!" You said expertly slipping from their grasp, Feliks and hisneed to always hug you and you having to slip from him had finallycame in handy, you waved and ran out of the room as the three boyswatched with a smile.

It was after class when you were heading to your locker. You neverrushed to lunch so you were alone as you were getting your lunchboxthree shadows covered your plump form, but it wasn't just that , thepeople were way too close. You turned, your eyes widening as you sawwho it was, the so called 'Bad Touch Trio' were a bit of a playboy.These were their main squeezes, though they had stopped hanging outwith them at the start of the school year, probably some time aroundsummer.

Though none of them ever treated the girls badly, in all honesty theytreated them better than any of their other boy toys. However withyou they could see, there was a level of respect and caring for youthat was never reached for them. However how could that be? Why wouldthey treat you, the fat girl, better then them?

It was then that it all came together, it was no secret that thegirls, who's names escape you, that they didn't want it to end and sowere going out with a different boy every one to two weeks to try andmake them jealous. It didn't work. In truth the three had longforgotten of them and was now focusing on you, the shy chubby girlwho is a bookworm and even when she was treated badly she justsmiled.

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