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I wrapped my arms round him,not wanting to let go.

A unwelcoming draft of cigarette smoke entered my room;I was guessing it was my mums boyfriend.I dragged the dovet cover of idly and pulled myself out of bed.I let the cool breeze from the window I had opened blow against my face getting rid of the smokey smell.

Today was the day of hell, the day you get pushed about and not cared about,the day you get to see all those braggy bitches whispers roam the corridors.

Yes;it was school

I was in my last year of school THANK GOD.I grabbed all the necessities that I needed for the day of hell and walked out of the door not bothering to say goodbye to anyone.

Tris roamed into eyesight.

"TRIS" I ushered him over

  "Yeah" he said trying to be cool

I nudged him a little sending him off track of his walking direction

"Stop trying to act "cool" tris"

"fineeeeeee" he exaggerated the e at the end.

When I was tris the whole world seemed so much easier and a happier place to be;he made everyone around him smile and laugh

By the time we had reached the gates, a tsunami of people were entering the oak doors.I kept myself close to tris feeling his body heat against mine.The school was modern on the inside and old on the out.

"Let the day of hell commence" I murmured looking over at the bitchy girls that were sniggering about me.This is why I don't like school.I sighed as I flumped my bag down on the table and started revising.

End of School

As I was walking out of the school I saw those bitchy girls picking on some other girl she was in one of my classes and never spoke this was probably why.

"HEY BITCHES" I yelled at them. In sync they whipped round their deeply bleach hair.

"Us" they questioned

I had no clue what I was about to get into but I was ready for it I had built up anger from today.

"YEAH YOU" really badly wanting to sing somebody to you but holding myself back

Like all girls do we had a bitchy fight and of course I won.They looked at me in pure disgust as I walked away with Lila.I walked back cautiously to my house after Lila had gone home in case those bitches jumped out with their razor sharp nails.They had left a slightly healed wound for earlier with those nails,they are nearly as sharp as a dagger.

What I always want to know is why my mum and dad split up they were so happy until the final week they were "together";and of course my mum being my mum about 6months later she is dating another guy.I will never understand my mum sometimes.

"my family" were sat round the table muttering about something probably about me as I'm back at 6:00pm.I slumped down on the chair and made no conversation with my mums boyfriend that was trying to be sociable. I just wanted to scream at him but all I could do was mock his voice in my head and him saying "Why are you back so late Clarissa".UGH I hated this man so much.I just wanted to be Tris all he was was kind never complained about anything and always listened to you.

I stormed up to my room and realised I have 5 all from tris asking if I would like to go out sometime with him;I was so ecstatic I felt like jumping round my room but of course I didn't this.This was the only thing in my day that made me feel happy and great as well as meeting Lila.I pressed the buttons on my phone nearly breaking my actual from with three simple letters "Y E S".But after that exciting moment all I had my eyes set on was my bed and how tranquil it will be to go to sleep.

Im so tired ughhhh
Hope this got better

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