Chapter One

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Chapter One - Apryl

Apryl sighed and layed her head down on her Maths work, listening to the beat of her heart as she breathed. Boom, boom-boom, boom, boom-boom. This flippin' test was so bloody hard! Picking up her pen, Apryl rested her head in her hands, and stared blankly at the paper. None of it made any sense to her whatsoever, and she cursed her Mum for keeping her from school when it seemed like everyone was doing revision. Poor Apryl May. Stuck in a Maths classroom, with no one but Snotty Grotty beside her, and no clue on to what the test was talking about. Beside her, Snotty Grotty ( a.k.a, Alfie Newton, ) sneezed and hastily wiped his nose with a slime covered tissue. Apryl gave him an appraising look, before turning her back on him and scooting her chair as far as it would allow her without actually going off the table. It wasn't that she didn't like Alfie ( he was a lovely boy ) it was just his hygienic problems that everyone had an issue with. Crossing her legs, she stared at the first question.

5x^-2y^10 over 2x^-1(-3x^-3y^-1)^-2

What the hell did that mean? Apryl frowned and  struggled to find the answer. Had she done this before? Is her somewhat forgetful brain blocking it from her? Apryl gave a silent, frustrated scream, and threw her pen down next to her work. If you could call a blank page, work. 

You can do it, Apryl. The answers (45/2)x^-7 y^8.

Apryl's head snapped up, and she looked over to Snotty Grotty, half expecting him to have his head turned to her, a small trail of snot running down his face. He was bent over his work, scribbling furiously, his nose nearly touching the paper. With the tip of her finger, Apryl nudged Alfie's arm, then quickly looked up at Mr Skinner, to check if he had noticed. His head was still buried beneath the mound of student homework he had yet to mark. Alfie's head turned in her direction, and Apryl gave a quick sigh of relief before leaning her head towards him.

" Hey Sno- I mean, Alfie, did you tell me the answer?"

Apryl speed whispered to him, anxious not to let the whole class hear her whisper in the silent, you-could-hear-a-pin-drop, classroom. Alfie's brows pulled together and a little dent formed between his eyes.

" No, what are you talking about? Just get on with your work!" he harshly whispered back.

" Mr Newton, Miss May, stay behind after class, please!"

Apryl groaned and leaned back, rolling her eyes up to the ceiling. Mr Skinner's eyebrows raised, and he stood up, a tall man clad in black.

" If I hear you groan one more time, Miss May, I'll make the whole class stay behind!"

A groan of resentment floated through the class, and a deep, smooth voice, like melted chocolate, sounded behind Apryl.

" Yeah, Miss May, shut up, and get on with your work!"

Apryl turned around to find Finn Hunter smirking at her from his desk behind her. His boot clad feet were stretched out on the table, and his already finished test lay neatly off to the side of his table. She narrowed her eyes, and turned back to the front.

" You better watch your mouth, Hunter."

Mr Skinner had had enough.

" Right that's it, Miss May, Mr Hunter and Mr Newton, detention, break time! Mr Hunter, feet off table, and hand me your test, please!"

There was a heavy sigh, then Finn Hunter walked past Apryl, his arm brushing against hers. A shock, like an electricity bolt, shot through her arm, and Apryl made a very clear, very loud, gasp. 

Your so cute Apryl!

There it was again. The Mysterious voice who gave her the answer. Apryl glanced suspiciously at her fellow classmates, then back to Finn. He was standing behind Mr Skinner, his arms crossed over his chest, defining his muscles, when he suddenly grinned. At her. Not the hot, leggy blonde girl behind her, not Snotty Grotty who was picking his nose, her. As Finn walked past her, he dropped his pen beside Apryl's bag. Apryl automatically reached down to pick it up, at almost the exact time Finn did, and their hands touched, sparks shooting through Apryl's arm again. Finn chuckled, and his voice came out, deep and gravelly.

" Been hearing voices lately?"

As Finn straightened up, Apryl stared after him in disbelief. She couldn't of been that obvious, could she? Or was it merely a coincidence?

" And so I was like, so flippin' annoyed, yeah? And to make matters worse, I have detention with Snotty Grotty, and Hunter! Do you know how bad that is, Pops?"

Apryl's best friend, Poppy Smith, squealed and jumped up in her seat, giving her raised eyebrows from the teacher. Poppy mumbled a quick apology, then turned to Apryl, her face lit up with glee. 

" You mean to tell me, you landed yourself a detention with the Finn Hunter? You know, the one we've been obsessing about for half a-!!!"

Apryl hurriedly covered Poppy's big mouth with her hand.

" Shh, don't tell the world Pops! He's only over there!"

Both girls turned their heads in unison, to gaze at Finn, who sat over in the corner, his dark hair, so brown, it could of been black, falling into his eyes. His head was bent low over his work, and his pen flew across the pen, like he was desperate to get it over and done with. Apryl's gaze fell onto Finn's, well muscled arms. I wonder what it'd feel like to have them wrapped around me, Apryl thought. Well, her way to bad-romantic-brain thought. As soon as that thought left her brain, Finn looked up, straight into Apryl's eyes. His mouth was pulled up into a sexy, half grin, and Apryl got all fluttery inside. Good Girls always fall for Bad Boys. 

Really hoped you liked it! Completely made up, not even a fanfiction! If you have any ideas for Chapter three, pls let me know! I want a long story as well.


Chloe x

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