Chapter Four

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Chapter Four - Finn

I watched her as she was twirled across the floor, a dancing fairy, with wings of shimmering ice. I could almost make out the pointed tips of her human disguised ears, the slightly tilted way her eyes were. Her dance partner stopped twirling her aound, and bowed low towards her. She dipped a curtesy, and turned to make her way through the heavy crowd of people. I was a second to late in warning her. Her dance partner straightened up, tall and proud, and took out a small, black object. A gun.My heart stopped. The world froze. The bullet seemed to shot towards her in slow motion. Her bright, auburn hair blew back from the force of the bang, and I saw her gorgeous, horrified face a moment before the bullet plunged into her body. A scream rang out around the school, and I realized with a shock, it was mine. Ignoring the frightened faces of the students, I sprinted towards her, my arms reaching out to catch her, just as the blood soaked through the gorgeous white dress she was wearing. I gently layed her down, and tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. Her green eyes fluttered open, and I gazed into her familiar irises. She smiled weakly, and wiped away a tear I didnt know had escaped. A sob racked through my body and I brushed my lips against hers.

" Don't leave me!" I whispered, my voice cracking. She laughed silently, before linking her fingers through mine.

" Never!" she whispered back, her voice dying. With one last breath, she said her last words.

" I love you Finn!"

I closed my eyes as I felt the tears pour down my face.

" I love you too, Apryl May!

" Forever and Always!"

I woke up with a yell, my body covered in sweat from head to toe I was shaking uncontrollably, as the realness of the dream burned inside of me. Just an ordinary dream! I thought. Just a dream! But, oh how wrong I was. Because I knew. The dream was going to happen.

Prom. Thats all everyone talked about at the moment. Prom this, Prom that. Yeah, I get it's an exciting night and all, but being to at least a thousand like I have? Not so great. Going home did nothing to help. Evangeline keeps pestering me, asking who I was taking. To be honest, I had no idea who I was taking. Obviously, if I had the guts, I would ask Apryl, but did I really want to? Her death always ended up on the Prom night, and I couldn't lose her again. Wouldn't lose her again. Just thinking about it made me start to sweat again. I never wanted to lose her again. Ever. I needed her to remember, so I could live in peace with the gilr who ad stole my heart. But even wisihing upon a star wouldn't help. I guess somethings were just...not meant to be. 

I groaned in disgust, as the lunch lady spooned disgusting slime across my spaghetti. The lunch lady looked up, her eagle eyes sharp on mine. 

" Something wrong, boy?"

I shook my head, and took the tray from her hands. Turning away, I shuddered as I felt her eyes still burning into me, and walked over to my normal table. Alone, as always. I slumped down in my seat, and twirled my fork round a piece of spaghetti. Urgh, tastes disgusting. I flung my fork down and took my headphones out of my bag, and nearly jumped out of my skin when a warm hand touched my shoulder. Loooking up, I supressed the urge to roll my eyes. Zaina Greher, the ' hottest ' girl in school was standing over me, her fake eyelashes looking longer than before. She fluttered them, then spoke in a painfully high, and sugary sweet voice.

" Hey there Finn! You not eating that?"

I turned back to my lunch, hunching my shoulders in from her claw like hands.

" Nope!" I kept it simple, and short, hoping she would get the message and walk away. How stupid I am!

Zaina plonked her butt down in the chair next to mine, and leant forward eagerly, as through she was keen to get me to look down her tight top. I averted my eyes, and stared down at my hands, absentmindedly playing with with the buttons on my phone. Zaina laid a hand down on my leg, and brushed her hair back with the other.

" The lunch here is always disgusting, isn't it honey? I could get you something else to eat!"

Zaina winked suggestivly at me. I quickly stood up from the table, just now realising how close her hand was to you know. I stood up so quickly, my chair tipped back and banged on the floor, and I gathered my bag up from the floor, all the whole blushing firecely at the many people staring at me.

" First off all Zaina, I'm not Honey, or Babe, or Baby, or whatever you want to call me, and even if you were the last girl on earth, I wouldnt have sex with you! So just watch what you bloody well say. And pull your top up. Its not nice to have your  breasts hanging out!"

I walked off, head down, shoulders hunched in, trying to ignore the stares and whispers directed my way.

" Finn! Hey Finn, wait up!"

I turned into the hall, desperate to escape the stares and Zaina running after me. A hand grabbed my shoulder and spun me round, and I knocked their hand back, shaking angerily. Only I wasn't greeted with the cool blue eyes of Zaina, but a green pair, a more familiar pair.

A pair that I had longed to look into ever since she last died.

Apryl May.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2013 ⏰

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