Chapter Fourteen

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Emily P.O.V.

Four years later.

"I cannot believe we're doing this." I giggled, drunk on love and champagne.

"Oh, we're definitely doing this." Matt grinned over his shoulder, with my hand firmly in his, as he guided me down the hallway.

We'd just gotten married and I could hear the music from our reception thumping from the ballroom. I felt giddy at the knowledge that I was finally Mrs. Matthew Wayans. He had asked me to marry him two years ago, but we had decided to wait until I got my Early Childhood Development Degree. I'd just graduated three weeks ago and now we were husband and wife. Matt took that time to get his new business off the ground. Wayans Construction was now a growing, prosperous company and I was so proud of him.

Lisa and Nate had worked things out and their beautiful daughter had been our beautiful flower girl. Lisa was pregnant again, but barely showing, so she had no trouble fitting into her Maid of Honor dress. Lisa and Nate still hadn't gotten married, but I knew for a fact that he was proposing for her birthday in a few weeks. I'd went ring shopping with him and helped him pick the perfect ring for Lisa's eccentric taste. I knew she would love it just as much as she loved Nate and their daughter, Natalie. I couldn't be happier for her.

Thane and Jessie had gotten married three years ago. They had a two year old son named Thatcher and another one due within a few weeks.  We had decided not to move back to Leewood Springs just yet, but weren't completely ruling it out forever. Matt didn't want to step on Thane's toes by bringing in a rival construction company. So we were staying in Lawrence for now. I'd landed a decent teaching position in Lawrence anyway, so things were working out for us there.

Matt had finally managed to forgive his mother. At first, I wasn't too happy and definitely didn't welcome her with open arms. I was glad that Matt had found peace enough to forgive someone who had done him so wrong, but I wasn't so quick to forgive her. She hadn't protection her only child, bottom line. I'd eventually come around though, with Matt's encouragement and now his mom, was my mom. We tried to get home, to Leewood Springs, to visit at least once a month and Matt's mom always held a barbeque for us, so that all of our friends could join us.

"You're happy, right?" Matt suddenly asked as he pulled me into a linen closet.

I was startled by the question, "I'm deliriously happy. You're happy too, right?"

"Deliriously..." He said huskily before capturing my mouth in a devouring kiss.

He gently pushed my back against the closed door and placed opened mouth kisses down my throat, causing my whole body to warm. I moaned and reached for the clasp of his dress pants, at the same time he began to gather up the bottom of my wedding dress. I still couldn't believe we were doing this, in a closet, at our wedding. We'd been dancing to a slow song and Matt had begun whispering wicked things into my ear. One thing led to another and now we were about to have sex in a closet.

"We should have just left for our hotel room." I tell him, breathlessly, as I felt him push my panties down my legs.

"Where is the fun in that?" Matt asked, from his new position on his knees. A moment later, he had his mouth between my legs and I didn't care where we were as long as he continued what he was doing. Between the champagne and the intensity of the moment, it didn't take him long to have me screaming his name as my whole body exploded with an orgasm.

Matt stood, grinning from ear-to-ear, clearly proud of himself. I reached for his boxer briefs, wanting to return the favor, but he grabbed my hands and lifted them above my head, pinning them to the door with one hand. I whimpered in protest, "Let me..."

Matt shook his head, as he pulled himself out of his boxers with his free hand, "I need to be inside of you, now...and I'm going to do it without a condom."

I opened my eyes and stared deeply into his. He wanted babies. I knew he did. I did too. We'd been talking about it for a while, but decided to wait until after we were married. I hadn't realized he'd want to begin trying on our wedding day, but I smiled and nodded, "Ok."

His smile returned and he released my hands, so that he could lift me up. I wrapped my legs around him and tried to keep my dress out of the way. It wasn't easy, but when he slowly slid inside of me, I knew it was worth it. Over and over again, he slammed home and I couldn't have stopped my screams of passion, even if I had tried. I just hoped the music would drown us out. How embarrassing would that be? I stopped caring as I felt my body responding to his.

"Baby, you feel fan-fucking-tastic. I'll never get enough of you." Matt growled against my neck.

"Good, because you're stuck with me now. Marriage is forever." I tell him between moans.

"Forever..." Matt slammed into me one last time and we both shouted with release.

"I love you, Mr. Wayans." I tell him as he lowered my feet back to the floor.

"I love you too, Mrs. Wayans. God, I love saying that...Mrs. Wayans. You're mine now, Baby." He said with a grin, as he fixed his pants back into place.

I returned his grin, "I've been yours for over four years. The second you walked into the bakery, I was yours. Now, find my underwear, husband of mine."

Matt chuckled and knelt to the floor, locating my panties, and helping me to step into them. When we were sure that we'd fixed our appearance enough that nobody would notice what we'd just done, we exited the room. We'd only taken two steps when we froze, staring at a smirking Thane. He chuckled at our expressions, saying, "I was looking for the bathroom and heard this noise. At first it sounded like someone was hurt, but the closer I got, the more I realized what was happening. Good for you two. I would have never had the guts to do that at my own wedding. Jessie's dad would have killed me on the spot."

My face heated with a blush, but Matt shrugged it off, which just made Thane laugh harder. I was mortified, but when we all returned to the ballroom, re-joining our guests, my embarrassment began to fade. What did I have to be embarrassed about, really? So I had sex with my husband. Ok, so a closet at my wedding reception probably wasn't the best place for it, but it had felt too good to regret it. I hoped we never lost the spontaneity.

"Emily, come on, it's time to throw the bouquet." Lisa announced.

I gathered at the front of the room and all of the single female guests gathered in front of me. Matt's mother, Wendy, reluctantly stood between some of my co-workers and former college classmates. I grinned as Wendy tried to be inconspicuous. Then I turned and took careful aim. As the bouquet was flying through the air, I turned quickly and watched in approval as it practically hit Wendy in the face, forcing her to catch it. She glared at me, but then blushed when her boyfriend of two years came forward, wrapped her in a hug, and then dipped her into a passionate kiss. I looked over and found Matt grinning at them. I was happy that he was happy. William was forgotten and they were all finally moving on.

I placed my hands against my stomach and prayed that we'd just made a baby. I knew that it didn't always happen during the first or even the second or third try, but I felt good about today. It was my wedding day and I could practically feel Paula smiling down in approval. I was sad that I didn't have any family to share in this celebration, but really that wasn't true. Blood didn't always mean family. I had Lisa, Nate, and Natalie. I had Thane, Jessie, and Thatcher. I had Wendy and her boyfriend James. Most of all though, I had Matt. He was my world and I couldn't imagine a better husband for myself.

The summer I met Matt, I had thought it was going to be such a long, boring summer. Nothing but working at the bakery for me. Boy, had I been wrong. Instead, I had met the man of my dreams, who I could now call husband. We had a rocky start, with his trust issues and all of the problems Lance had tried to cause. Last I heard, Lance was seeking psychiatric help, thankfully. He'd literally beaten himself up, trying to frame Matt for it. So he definitely needed help. So my boring summer had turned into one full of excitement. Like many other eighteen year olds, I had experienced so many firsts that summer and all thanks to Matt. I couldn't wait to see what the future held for us and I knew that we had many more firsts to come. One thing I knew for sure, summer sometimes only meant the changing of a season, but other times summer meant a time for amazing changes. Got to love those summer changes.

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