The Tree Fic

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"Bob, you'll make me break the fucking elevator!" Gerard said to Bob, his penis going deeper and deeper into Bob's rectum. Bob gave no fucks. "Harder Daddy, harder!", Bob demanded. "Ok then" replied Gerard. "Three two one..." he added seductively. "WE CAME TO FUCK" shouted Gerard. He then rammed his dick into Bob so hard that a haemorrhage formed all the way up his spine and oesophagus, causing him to vomit blood all over the already cum stained walls of the elevator. Bob dropped to his knees, and his heart stopped. He was fucking dead "K" said Gerard. Just then, the elevator arrived at its floor. Floor Ten. "Of course," said Gerard to himself, "This elevator only goes up to ten". The doors opened. Frank was standing on the other side. He looked into the elevator and the blood ran from his face. The inside of the elevator was covered in blood and cum, and Bob's corpse of course. "You... cheated on me!!??" Frank yelled. Gerard began to put his clothes back on. "Hey no don't put them back on!" Frank ordered. Gerard kept them off. He then asked Frank to help him hide Bob's body and to clean the elevator before mall security found out. They grabbed Bob by his feet, and dragged him outside to a nearby lake. How a naked cum stained emo and his husband weren't spotted dragging a dead body which was also naked and cum stained is beyond me, but I'm the author and what I say goes, so fuck you and your opinion cos it's not mine. Now back to the story. "Ok here's the river, throw him in Gee" Frank said to Gerard. Gerard threw Bob into the river, and that was the end of that.

To celebrate, Frank and Gerard climbed a nearby tree to fuck each other because #frerard amirite? As Frank was slipping off his clothes, a scream was heard from far away. It was probably Pete Wentz screaming in the distance. Frank and Gerard ignored the screaming. Gerard helped Frank take off his clothes. They were ready for their 14th sex that day. Gerard took out a melted Cadbury bar and smeared it all over his neck and slightly-lower-than-neck-areas, if you catch my drift. "Ok Frankie-boy, I want you to lick every last ounce of this chocolate off my body". "Yes Daddy!" Frank said excitedly. Frank leaned in to Gerard's neck, and began to slowly lick all around, making sure not to miss a single piece of chocolate. "Oh my god yes yes yES!!" said Gerard as he began to cum all over the tree. Frank began to get horny too, which only motivated him to lick harder. Before he could move to the aforementioned slightly-lower-than-neck-areas, the screaming noise got closer and closer. Except this was a British sounding scream, so it couldn't possibly be Pete Wentz. Suddenly, Frank and Gerard were knocked over by three men from above. It was Oli Sykes, along with Mikey and Ray. Mikey's glasses had little droplets of cum on them, which is not surprising because what a catch, what a catch, every fucking person in this damn fanfic is covered in at least a little bit of cum. Frank managed to get himself upright, and then helped Gerard to his feet. "Ok where the fuck did Oli and friends come from?" asked Gerard to the author. The author, who might I add is quite intelligent and good looking too, said "Oi m8 who fuckin' said you could go and break the 4th wall like that? This is my fanfic, so if I say that Oli Sykes of Bring Me The Horizon leaps outta nowhere accompanied by Mikey and Ray and attacks you guys whilst you're fucking each other, then that's what happens! Also, if I catch you breaking the fourth wall again, I'll have Patrick Stump come down from the heavens and anally rape you, ok?" Ray muttered under his breath "I wouldn't mind that you know". Everyone else gave him a horrified look. "Your wish," the author said with a sinister smile, "is my command!". The ground began to shake and a bright light shone down from above. A figure with wings slowly descended down towards the tree. "It's a bird!" cried Gerard. "It's a plane!" said Frank. "How is that a plane you fucking knobhead?" said Oli in a very British way. It soon became very clear who the winged figure was.

"Yo guys it's me, Patrick Stump" said Patrick. "I've come to anally rape Ray". "Nice!" Ray exclaimed. Patrick grabbed Ray by the shoulders and took him back into heaven. The light disappeared. "Ok then, let's get back to our misadventures, Frank!" said Gerard. The author chimed in, not with a "Haven't you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?", but instead with a "Fuck no! Let's have some Waycest up in here!" "NOOOOOOOOOO!" yelled Mikey and Gerard, but they couldn't stop it. Before he could say "Look alive, Sunshine!" Mikey was already deep throating. Gerard. Then he choked to death, Oli teleported back to his home dimension, the tree collapsed and crushed everyone, killing them instantly in the process. Patrick got bored of Ray, and so he shoved him back down to earth and he died on impact with the ground. What a shitty ending this was.
k thnx bai

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