Chapter sixteen.

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"NOOOOOOOO." Ellington sat up screaming, he looked around frantically but none of his surroundings seemed familiar. All of Rydel's stuff was gone. In fact, this wasn't their house at all.

Ellington pulled the covers closer to his body as he slowly looked around the room.

He suddenly recognised all of it. His broken drum kit in the corner he just couldn't put into storage, his weird and wacky clothes sprawled across the floor and thrown messily into his closet and the other random things he had collected were scattered across the room.

this wasn't his and Rydel's room.

this was his room in his apartment.

everything was just one long, weird dream.

Ellington's alarm clock beeped loudly and he almost jumped out of his skin in pure shock. As if on cue, baby cries came from in the corner of the room.

Ellington climbed out of his bed, padding across the room and looking into the crib in the corner, a small smile plastered on his face.

The cries quickly stopped and his baby boy reached his chubby little arms up to him, wanting to be applied with affection.

Ellington scooped him up, making him "fly" through the air like a rocket before settling him on his hip. His son, Joey, squealed with laughter before sticking his fist in his mouth and sucking on it.

Ellington padded into the lounge area, his mind filled with everything that had happened. Meeting Rydel, Darren, his own ex, their engagement, their pregnancy, his cancer, tour, another pregnancy, threats, drama, the crash, dying, all of it sat on his mind, scenes of each thing flipping through his mind.

It seemed so real.

It can't have just been a dream.

He warmed up the bottle of milk, after listening to Joey's grumpy babbling in baby language and thinking more deeply about his dream. maybe this was all a dream? maybe he was dreaming about the fact he was dreaming reality.

Trying to shrug away the confusion his thoughts had bought upon him, he sat down, putting the bottle in Joey's mouth and watching him for a few seconds, just to be sure that he was drinking.

Joey's eyes looked at him as he ate, one tiny fist attached to his shirt and another attempting to support the bottle.

Ellington smiled, kissing the few tufts of hair on the top of his little head.

His phone beeped on the side and he shifted Joey in his arms so the bottle was still tipped upwards but so he also had a free hand. He picked up his phone, looking at his new message.

"Hi honey. Happy 25th Birthday! I posted your present yesterday. It should arrive shortly. Hope you have a great day! Sending you all my love. Mom." The message read.

He smiled a bit, happy that someone had remembered.

"So I really am twenty five. Not twenty seven like in my dream..." he whispered to himself, looking down at Joey who had quickly finished his bottle.

He placed the bottle on the side, picking up his on, placing him against his shoulder and patting his back until he burped and giggled contagiously.

Ellington had just set Joey down comfortably in front of the tv when he heard the doorbell rang.

He walked over to the door, pulling it open in slightly confusion. He didn't think anyone knew where he lived.

He was utterly shocked when he came face to face with a very familiar blonde who he hadn't see in years, except from in his dreams.

Rydel Lynch.

He knew he was in for a wild ride. A crazy story.

But for the first time

he knew he could handle whatever was thrown his way

after all

he wasn't a kid anymore.

he was twenty five.

Thank you so much to everyone who has read the whole trilogy, I seriously enjoyed writing it all and I hope you enjoyed reading it! I love everyone who has read it. I'll hopefully be back soon with a new story. Comment your opinion on the whole trilogy?

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