The new starcrossed lovers

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Jake's POV

After we heard the noice we realized it was nothing. And we started walking. Jemma looked worried, really worried.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, umm nothing I'm ok" She managed a smile

"What is it?" I asked again. Concerned about her.

She just hugged me.

"Im scared"

I hugged her back.


"Glimmer dies, does that mean I will die, like here? In the arena? When I'm not even the real Glimmer?"

"I won't let that happen"

She looked at me.

I couldn't help myself, I leaned in and kissed her.

"Because I love you"

Adam's POV

I just saw Jake kiss Jemma. About time.

I gestured Avril to look at them.

She didn't say anything. Suddenly Abigail stopped.

"What is it?" Jake asked, holding Jemma's hand.

Abigail didn't respond. Avril loaded her bow.

I heard a noice from a bush and went to see what it was. When I looked. There was nothing. Weird.

Abigail's POV

I stoped. I didn't know why. But something is wrong. Avril loaded her bow and I grabbed a knife. I heard a noice from a bush and saw Adam going to see what it was. Sudently. I charged to Avril!

"Abbigail what-!" I trew a knive at her, she dogged it. Thankfully

Adam charged at me but Jake got in his way and now they were fighting too. Out of nowhere, Jemma ran and snatched the bow out Avril's hands and aimed at her.

I ran into the fight, Avril saw me and started running. Jemma and I went after her. Jemma shot but she missed. We kept running. Jake and Adam were running with us now.

"We can't let her get away!" Jake said

We catched up with Avril. We couldn't run anymore. We all stopped.

"Guys. This magic or whatever is controlling us." Jemma said

"But what can we do about it?" Avril asked

"We have to split up before we kill ourselves" Jake said

"What?!?! No way! Im not leaving you guys!" I protested

"Im the one who is gonna leave" Avril said

The careers were after Katniss and Avril is Katniss so she's got a point.

"Besides you are the careers" she said "You'll come find me anyways"

"But we don't have to follow the book's way" Adam said

"Yeah I mean we are the characters now. We can do whatever we want" Jemma said

"Well, I choose to go" Avril said and ran away before we could stop her.

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