Hi :) I'm Kajal! I started writing this story back when I was in 11th grade. That was back in May of 2013! I wrote about 5 chapters over the course of 4 months and then moved on to a different story. I've always been one with a pretty short attention span. But it is my mission to finish this story. I really miss it and I've been away for so long (3 years!) And I have a fresh perspective.
I will be editing the first 5 chapters and then completing the story! I hope to be done writing this by maybe November. But I have a lot going on in my life. I'm in college, I have a youtube channel, a vlogging channel, and an entertainment company blossoming.
But I am in a point in my life where I realize how much I miss writing. The last time I wrote anything was back in November for Nanowrimo. I wrote a story, have 50,000+ words, but haven't touched it since. It's about time for me to get back in my writing flow. Even if it is only for a few months.
Starting July 1st (or maybe even before... depends on how many chapters I have completed) I will update this story every Friday with a new chapter :)
TWITTER - @kajal_sandyy
VINE - @kajal_sandyy
MUSICAL.LY - @kajal_sandyy
SNAPCHAT - @kajal_sandyy
DEVIANTART - http://kajalsandyy.deviantart.com/
YOUNOW - KajalSandrilene
YOUTUBE VLOGGING CHANNEL - https://www.youtube.com/user/HaeKuHangeul04
YOUTUBE MAIN CHANNEL - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTWxYwgRfyeJK_YOYJl6mow
FACEBOOK FAN PAGE - https://www.facebook.com/KajalSandrilene04/