I'm not a teddy bear

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I woke up, with the sun shining in my eyes. I groaned and pulled the blanket back over my eyes trying to go back to sleep.
The events of yesterday flooded into my mind. I leaned over, putting my hand out to shove Dee.

"Dee! I had the awesomest drea-"
My hand didn't find a Dee. It just found emptiness, and then my whole body found the floor.
And not a soft carpet floor, a cold wooden floor.
I sat up trying to untangle myself from the mess of blankets that I had dragged down on top of me. I found the edge of the blanket and pulled it off of me, Freedom!
I looked around. Where am I?
I gasped. "No way!"
I was in the treehouse! The treehouse in Neverland that Peter showed me!
It wasn't a dream! The excitement of still being here banished my sleepiness. I stood up and looked in the mirror.
My hair was a mess. I dug in the chest in hopes of finding a brush. I found an old fashioned brush with a metal handle and back. "Cool!"
Having tamed my hair -which wasn't that hard since I have low maintenance straight hair- I looked to the other bed to see Dee, out cold. She probably stayed up for the whole festival. I decided to let her sleep. I pulled the sky blue curtains over the windows and managed to shut out some of the light.
I quietly crept out the door and looked at the clearing. There were Indians in sleeping bags and pirates in hammocks, the camp was dead silent.
I must be the first one up. My stomach grumbled.
"I wonder if the fairies are cooking breakfast yet." I smelled something cooking. "Yep"
I climbed down the ladder and followed my nose to a huge cabin. I opened the door and saw a flurry of women in pretty dresses cooking. I stared in bewilderment. Who are these women? Then I saw one that looked exactly like Scarlet. Sounded like her too, giving out orders in the same sharp voice.
My eyes widened in realization.
The fairies are big!
I stood there for a second processing this new and totally awesome information. I spotted Sarah and walked over to her.
Sarah whipped her head around "you scared me!" She laughed.
"My bad! Sorry. Is there anything I can help with?"
Sarah looked around the kitchen.
"No, not really. We've got all the help we need. But thanks for asking. Are you hungry?"
I was about to answer but my stomach did it for me.
Sarah laughed. "Right this way." She lead me to a small table in a corner. "How do pancakes sound?"
"And how about I throw in some eggs and bacon too?"
"Yes please." I could already hear the bacon sizzling, making my mouth water.
"And to drink?"
"I'll just have water."
Sarah pretended to write all of this down on an imaginary notepad and then smiled brightly "coming right up!"
"Thank you!" I smiled gratefully.
"No problemo." Sarah replied before hurrying off to get my food. When she returned she had a huge platter of food, a plate, a fork, and a tall glass of ice cold water.
It was like some awesome diner that gives you twice as much food as you expected.
I ate as much as I could but there was still a good amount left. I didn't want to waste anything so I asked Sarah for another fork and if I could take the platter to Peter.
"Sure! Just bring it back. Do you know where Peter's treehouse is?"
"I don't. Could you tell me?"
"I'll show you!" She said brightly before shouting over the cacophony of clanking dishes "Scarlet, I'll be right back!"
"You can be done! You've been here all morning I'll get someone to cover you." Scarlet called back.
"Thanks!" Sarah replied before leading us both out the door.

"That was nice." I remarked.
Sarah nodded. She's a bit scary at first but she really isn't mean. She's one of the head fairies so she has a lot if responsibility. She's really caring and very reasonable."
"I respect that. It makes sense that she's so intimidating. It definitely gets the job done."
"She's a well respected fairy."
I was about to ask about their ability to be big or small when Sarah stopped walking.

"There's his house." She pointed to a decent sized treehouse with vines hanging from it. There wasn't a ladder. Probably because he could just fly up.
"How do I get up?" I asked.
"Simple. You fly." Sarah said, confirming my thoughts.
"I can't fly! I've only flown with Peter." I protested.
Sarah sprinkled golden dust over me "it's easy. Happy thoughts." She smiled at me.
"I thought it was faith trust and pixie dust."
"Either or." Sarah waved her hand.
I closed my eyes and imagined the first time I flew remembering the breeze as I soared over the ocean over the ocean.
I opened my eyes and almost fell. I was ten feet off the ground!
Sarah was clapping below me.
"You did it!"
I smiled. "Thanks Sarah!"
"No problem. I'm gonna go back to the kitchen."

I landed on the balcony, holding the platter tight, and a proud grin stretched across my face.
Peter's door was cracked so I was able to open it just shoving it with my hip.
The room was pitch black except for the chink of light coming through the door. Peter was lying facedown in his bed, still shirtless. I tried not to but I couldn't help notice his back muscles.
I set the tray down on his nightstand.
"Wakes wakey, eggs and bakey" I sang. Receiving a groan from Peter.
"Go away."
"It's a beautiful day!" I sang, from the song by U2.
"Noooo" he groaned.
I tried to roll him over but instead Peter wrapped his arms around me, taking me by surprise as he pulled me into his bed, burying his face in my neck before going back to sleep.
I tried to pry him off but of course, he was too strong.
"I'm not a teddy bear." Laughed
"No, you're better." He mumbled.
My heart sped up.
Peter laughed.
"What?" I asked him.
"I can feel your heart."
My face flushed.
"Let. Go. Of. Me." I tried again to free myself from his grip.
"Never." He said. His breath hot on my neck.
I stopped fighting.
Noticing that I had stopped fighting Peter adjusted his hold to something a bit more comfortable, his warm body was pressed against mine with both arms around my waist.
Okay this really wasn't so bad. But he can't just forcefully cuddle me! So I did the only thing I could think of..I tickled him.
"Ah you traitor!" He yelled, but still didn't loosen his grip. I tried again, his body began to shake as he laughed.
"Stop it! Please stop!"
"Not until you let me go."
I kept tickling.
"Okay okay!" He laughed. Loosening his grip. "I surrender."
I pushed myself away from him. He looked at me with a mischievous smile.
"I'm not ticklish if that's what your thinking."
He looked shocked.
"That's impossible!"

Okay so maybe it was a little bit of a lie. What I really meant was I'm not easy to tickle and I will never tell you my ticklish spot.

"Believe it." I said smugly.
"No. You're lying."
He reached for my sides and tried to tickle me.
"See?" I said.
"I won't be so easily discouraged." He was about to try again but I rolled off the bed. "Get up." I said.
"I'm tired." He whined.
"What was that you said about not giving in to tiredness?" I asked him.
"That was last night." He groaned. "I'm tired now. Why should I be awake?"
"Because I'm awake and I'm bored." I said.
"Then go back to sleep. There's plenty of room." He rolled the one edge of his bed. I shook my head and walked over to his curtains. I began to pull them open when Peter started yelling.
"Nooo! Don't do it!"
I yanked the curtains open.
"Ahhhh it burnssss!" He pulled the blankets over him.
I went and pulled the blanket away.
He looked like he was going to cry.
"Why must you be so cruel?" He asked dramatically.
"This is payback for making me stay up."
"But you fell asleep! And I carried you and put you to bed."
I couldn't argue with that.
"Ha! I win. You have to be my teddy bear now." Peter said smugly.
"No I don't! We're even now." I argued.
"You got to see me shirtless!"
I scoffed "you got to be seen shirtless!"
"I brought you here!"
"You kidnapped me!"
"No, you came willingly!"
"I brought you food."
Peter sat up and saw the platter.
"Oh..you weren't kidding."
"Fine. I'll get up."
"Thank you."
Peter glared at me before taking a bite of a pancake.
"So what shall we do today?"
I asked him.
He swallowed before responding.
"Idunno. We could go to the beach."

Well then...not shy are you now Peter?

Peter- I didn't wanna get up.

Right of course. That's all. You didn't wanna get up.

Peter- I'm just very cuddly.

Caeli- you can say that again.

Peter- admit it. You liked it. *smirks*

Caeli-no comment

Peter- that's what I thought.

Caeli- shut up.

Please comment and vote! It means a lot to me.

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