A Big Hangover and a Giant Crow

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Peter's POV

After Caeli left I tried to keep sleeping but my pounding headache made it near impossible to do much more than doze.
After a couple hours of tossing and turning I finally threw my blanket off of myself and stood up. I had to sit back down again because of my dizziness and the sick sensation in my stomach.
I reached around blindly until my hand came in contact with a shirt. I held it to my nose and have it a sniff test, it smelled alright to me. I pulled it over my head stood up again and walked to my door. I opened the door and almost yelled when I was blinded by the sudden light that hurt my eyes which in turn hurt my entire head and added to my headache.
I shut my eyes tight and let the softer glow of the light through my eyelids ease my eyes.
After a moment I opened my eyes and I was alright.
I reached into my pocket for my dust pouch but it wasn't there.
I groaned. I didn't feel like looking for it, besides, flying would probably make me sick in my state, so I just climbed down on the vines.
I looked down and saw that my shirt was orange and clashed violently with my dark green pants, making me look like a pumpkin.
I scowled. "Why do I even have a shirt this color? Whatever, if anyone complains I'll just take it off."
Having made up my mind on that matter I went to find Tiger Lilly and beg her to do something about my hangover.
My stomach growled. But first I must eat.
I made my way to the pavilion but dinner wasn't ready yet.
I managed to convince Sarah to give me a bread roll to hold me over though.
I practically inhaled the thing and then wished I hadn't because now it was gone.
I needed to find Tiger Lilly.
Her cabin was across camp by the river  so, after snatching another bread roll which earned me a glare from Sarah, I headed across the camp.
I heard someone yelling and I immediately ran in their direction.
I found Chip, a younger lost boy screaming as a gigantic crow harassed him.
"Hey!" I yelled as I ran over to them and tried to shoo it away but it wouldn't back off. I picked up Chip under my arm and tried to run away with him but the crow was persistent and chased after us.
I searched the ground for a stick and found one about the size of my arm. I set Chip down and and seized the stick, holding it like a bat and then swung it as hard as I could at the blasted bird.
The stick met the bird with a satisfying thump that sent the bird to the ground where it lay for a moment before standing up with a limp and flying away lopsidedly, all the while cawing at the top of its lungs.
I turned to Chip, "Are you alright?" I asked him
He nodded with his huge hazel eyes that seemed to be holding back tears. "That bird was terrifying!"
"Yeah, no kidding! What happened?"
"I don't know I was just walking along, minding my own business when it just came at me out of nowhere."
"That's weird. And it was huge."
"Yeah, but you hit it good. It won't come back will it?"
"Not if it has any sense left. Though after that blow it just might not. Don't worry about it though. I'm just heading over to Tiger Lilly's and she might know something about it."
"Okay, thanks Peter."
He still looked terrified so I pulled him into a hug.
"No problem big guy." I said as I messed up his shaggy brown hair. "Go get a snack from the kitchen. I'll see you later." I told him.
"Alright bye!" He said before running off. Chip is from cabin seven The one I'm in charge of. We break the younger boys into groups of five and give them a cabin, each cabin has an "adult" I
I am cabin seven's adult but these past few days Coon has offered to cover for me so I could hang out with Caeli.
I'll have to pay my cabin a visit soon to check up on them all.
I also need to do something for Coon to thank him.
Coon was as good a guy as I could hope to have as my right hand man.
Sure there were older, bigger, lost boys besides Coon but they're not as responsible as Coon. It's funny how even in a place like Neverland, where there's supposed to be no responsibly you still end up being responsible for things...my thoughts drifted to Wendy and I felt a pang of guilt.
I shook my head. Not the time.
After that I beelined for Tiger Lilly's.
When I got there she was sitting on her balcony writing.
She looked up, well down actually.
"What is it Peter?"
"Can you please please please do something for my hangover?"
She just smiled and shook her head.
"Peter, will you never learn?"
I scoffed, "No, so what's the point of trying to teach me a lesson?"
"Peter that's not how it works."
"Please just one last time. I don't wanna be like this all day. Caeli will be bored."
"Caeli has other friends on this island. And she's taking a nap right now."
I gave her a look. "Please!"
She sighed. "Fine. But you owe me."
"Thank you so much! I can't thank you enough."
Tiger Lilly had requested stairs for her treehouse so she had a winding staircase and in my state, when I climbed it I felt like I was going to barf.
"I'm going to barf." I said looking up at Tiger Lilly.
"Ew no!"
"Blehhh!" I pretended I was going to throw up on her which made her scream.
"Peter that's not funny!"
I laughed, "the look on your face!"
She crossed her arms. "I'm not helping you."
"If you don't help me I might actually throw up though." I told her.
She unfolded her arms "fine. Wait here."
She went into her cabin for a moment and came back out with a jar of a green paste that was made out of sage, peppermint, cinnamon, clove, and some secret native stuff she wouldn't tell me.
She spread the paste onto my temples and as she was massaging it in began to whisper something to herself, channeling her magic. She'd explained it to me once. The herbs and spices in the paste were very potent and she was able to use them to intensify her magic so that she didn't have to do as much work.
I felt a tingling sensation as my headache drained away which was followed by my dizziness and then the sick feeling in my stomach and then a cool sensation spread throughout my body as Tiger Lilly one upped and drained all the toxins from my body.
Then she took her hands off my temples and I saw that the paste had turned brown as usual.
You need to lie down for a minute while your body adjusts and the toxins finish draining or else they'll stay in your head. She wiped off the paste and applied a fresh coat.
"Go lie down on my bed, not in it, on it. I'll come get you in thirty minutes. Take this rag-" she handed me a rag. "- and put that on the pillow so you don't get smelly brown stuff all over my pillow and take a nap."
"Thank you so much Tiger Lilly. I can't thank you enough."
"You're welcome. Now do as I say."
"Alright." I did as she said and due to my renewed state of purity I fell asleep almost immediately.

Tiger Lilly woke me up and I felt completely refreshed.
"Thank you so much!" I thanked her again.
She sighed "Peter I feel like if it weren't for me, you'd have died by now from all the crap in your system. But since you do have me you're healthier than ever."
"I love you Tiger Lilly." I said pulling her into a hug.
"Yeah yeah save it. I love you." I let her out of my hug. "Look at the color of this paste! That's all the gross stuff I just took out of your system!"
I wiped my temple and looked at the paste. "Ew" it was dark brown and it smelled terrible.
"Are you alright?" I asked her, realizing how much energy this must have taken regardless of the paste.
She sat down "I'll be fine. Here wipe the paste off." She handed me a damp rag.
I wiped the salve off.
"I owe you big time." I told her.
She laughed "yes, you do."
Wanting to change the subject, I asked "what are you writing?" As I tried to get a look at the paper on the table.
She snatched it. "It's not done. And it's private."
"Alright alright. A little feisty aren't you?" I teased, earning a glare.
"You should wake Caeli up for Dinner." She said.
"Alright then, I will." I said.
"Why are you mad at me?" I asked.
She looked up "I'm not!"
I laughed "Alright, Just checking."
She laughed "go get Caeli. Dinner is starting soon."
"Alright. See you later!" I turned to leave, but then I remembered the crow.
"Oh one more thing. There was this huge crow attacking Chip. I hit the crap out of it but just in case keep an eye out."
I tipped an imaginary hat before I jogged down the stairs and left to get Caeli.

I arrived at her treehouse and climbed the ladder.
I slowly inched the door open and peeked in.

So how did you guys like the Peter's POV chapter? Let me know if you want more.
What are your thoughts on the crow and was there anything in this chapter that stuck out?
Make sure to comment your opinions and thoughts and don't forget to vote!
Love you all!

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