Betrayal and Anger

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Seri got back to the Gryffindor common room to ask Ginny if she could write in Tom Riddle's diary, Ginny was unsure if she should let Seri as Ginny was starting to worry if it was the diary that was causing her blackouts, but as Seri had been writing in it as well for ages what harm could it do, so Ginny handed the book over to Seri. Seri got all excited but nervous at the same time as she had planned to ask him about what Draco had said about the chamber being opened 50 years ago. Seri dipped her quill into the scarlet ink and started to write in the diary, "Hi, Tom" Tom wrote back within seconds like he had expected her to write "well isn't this a pleasant surprise" Seri giggled at what he said and wrote back a bit of a stupid question "how are you today" Seri felt very stupid about asking it but words started to appear on the page "that is one of the only very few times i have been asked that" and Seri was shocked and then more words appeared "but i will be so much better once i can get out of this book." Seri wrote a small smiley face in the book and then wrote "I look forward to that time, when i get to meet you face to face." Tom and Seri wrote messages back and forth for a while and then Seri decided it was the write time to ask Tom about the chamber of secrets, "Tom can i ask you something," for which Tom replied "Seri, I would answer any of your questions, what is it you would like to know" Seri wrote in the book " I was told someone opened the chamber of secrets 50 years ago, was that you as well" there was a hesitate in the writing back but one word appeared "yes" the look of shock and fear appeared across Seri's face and she wrote again "that means you killed that girl" again just the word "yes" appeared in the book, Seri didnt know what to say now and decided it was best to change the subject and asked him about what he would do when he got out of the diary and they just carried on talking about that stuff just trivia things, till it was getting late and Seri said she had to get to sleep cause of classes in the morning and she said goodnight and put the diary back on Ginny's night stand.

The Christmas holidays quickly passed and everyone started to return to Hogwarts so yet again the castle started to get packed and noisy with everyone telling each other what happened during the holidays and strangely Harry and Ron were together without Hermione so of course her being muggle born, rumors started going around about her being attack but of course Seri knew she hadn't been as she was the one helping Tom attack the muggle born witches and wizards but no one knew but Ginny was starting to get clues that Seri was lying to her and hiding things, Ginny was getting even more scared about that was going on. One evening Seri was sitting in the common room doing the homework she had been set that day so it was out of the way, when Ginny came rushing in and straight upstairs and then a few seconds later she came back down and back out through the portrait, Seri didnt follow her this time as she had so much work to do already she just thought Tom had his eyes set on a new muggle born to attack so she just carried on with her work. An hour later Ginny got back and sat down at the table with Seri but didnt mention about blanking out or anything just asked what homework Seri was working on so they could help each other, Seri didnt question anything just carried on doing her work.

The rest of January past fairly quickly and the rumors surrounding Hermione was found to be false as she came out of the hospital wing unhurt and clearly not petrified, Seri was sitting in the common room doing her homework as she hadn't done it the previous evening when Harry pulled something out of his bag and showed it to Hermione, it was a small book which Seri glanced up and recognized straight away but how did Harry have it and then Seri realized the night that Ginny was acting weird she must of given Harry the book, she listened intensely to their conversation about the book and watched Hermione try some charms on it and a eraser thing but it didn't work, Seri was pleased about this she didn't want Tom getting into trouble, she cared about him to much, they spoke about an award Tom had got about service to the school, but the main thing Seri was thinking about was how to get the book back from them and doing it without getting noticed or seen by anyone, then she realized about making Ginny do it after all it was Ginny that caused this mess and Seri was gonna get Ginny to get the book back using any means necessary even if she had to threaten her. 

While Harry had the diary of Tom riddle there was no more attacks and Seri thought to herself that Harry was to stupid to work out why there hadn't been anymore attacks and she was getting more and more anxious about him having the book, she hated Harry and she was fearful Tom was another thing that he took from her, quickly days turned to night and so on and Seri still hadn't had a chance to talk to Ginny as she seemed to be avoiding her, it didnt take long for Seri to work out why she guessed Ginny had started to realize that Seri was helping Tom trick Ginny into attacking the people. Another person Seri couldn't stand with Lockhart  as he was going round saying he had put a stop to the attacks when this was so far from the truth it was funny and he also said about a surprise on valentines day. Everyone soon worked out what that was on the 14th of February when Seri walked into the great hall it was decorated with hearts and confetti was like snowing down from the ceiling it was sort of creepy, looking at the teachers faces they weren't happy about it either, Snape looked must disgusted by it all and then Lockhart got up to make a speech which Seri only half listened to, something about sending out valentines cards using dwarfs wearing nappies and fake wings, it was all so bizarre and sickening, but Tom was playing on Seri's mind more than ever today, she wanted to write in his diary so much and today she was going to get Ginny to get the diary back no matter where they were or where she had to tell Ginny.  

Later on that afternoon, Seri and Ginny were making their way to their class, Harry was only a few feet away from them, Seri thought about trying to reach into his bag and pull out the diary but thought she would be caught, then one of the dwarfs started to shout Harry's name and it pushed pasted her to get to Harry who at the same time was trying to run away when the dwarf grabbed his bag and ripped it everything was on the floor and to make matters worse Draco started to moan about what was going on and pushing pasted and then Percy started to do the same thing, then Seri saw it the diary laying on the floor in a pool of ink, Draco quickly swooped it up and started on Harry about it, not realizing it wasn't Harry's diary, Seri was about to say something but Harry had already cursed Malfoy and took the diary back off him, she had missed her chance to get it back, then Draco turned to Ginny and said doesn't look like he liked you Valentines message, Ginny went bright red and Seri pushed her into the classroom before she could say something back.

Ginny carried on ignoring Seri throughout the class and at the end they both headed back to the common room, Ginny said thank you to Seri for helping her back outside the class but Seri sort of ignored that and just said yeah, yeah, as she was getting ready to get Ginny to go get the book back from Harry, she was deep in thought when she snapped out of it Ginny was just about to leave, Seri called her name and said i want to talk to you about something, fear appeared on Ginny's face as if she knew where this was going, Seri took a deep breath and said you need to get the diary back, you wrote loads of information in there, what if Tom tells Harry everything, Ginny looked more fearful and then Seri said also if you dont get the diary back you will have me to deal with and neither of us want that do we......

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