Snowy Freeze (AgE 10)

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That's Snowy Freeze at age 10 before the incident with her sister.
~Story Of The Incident~
Snowy and her 9 year old sister, Ivy were having a big fight while there parents, Michelle Freeze and Aaron Freeze, were on a mission. Ivy was out of control with her flame powers because she was so young, and hasn't learned how to control her powers. So Ivy went insane, letting her powers take over her body.... Turning her evil, like all Fire Witches.... When Ivy's powers fully corrupted her, she burnt Snowy's right eye, making her blind in it. Snowy was screaming in pain, trying to get away. One of there security guards heard Snowy's scream, so he came to see what happened. When he saw Ivy he tranquilized Ivy. Everybody in the Freeze Mansion was coming to the incident. And the maids were calling paramedics. A few minutes later, Mr. and Mrs. Freeze abandoned there mission to see if there oldest daughter was going to survive. And she did.....
Snowy had to get a 'fake' eye so that she wouldn't have to wear an eye patch over her right eye, and it was solid white. Snowy has been blind in her right eye ever since then......

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