Chapter Eight

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I ran as fast as I could towards Louis, picking up anything on my way. When I had almost finally reached him, his eyes widened and he  started running faster. "Watch out!" he said jumping on me just as a knife flew over my head. I rolled over on top of him and got up. He was just a second behind me and we were running again. We made our way towards the woods and didn't stop running. I started falling behind so Louis took my hand and dragged me with him. After about half an hour of running, we finally collapsed on the snow, panting hard. "You ok?" Louis asked when he finally gathered enough breath to speak. "Yea, give me a minute" I said. But we didn't have a minute when I saw the gleam of a sword not too far away. I got up and took his hand. He started to say something but I pointed and he understood quickly. We tiptoed around the trees, trying not to make a sound. "Let's try to strangle them from behind" I whispered into his ear under my breath. He nodded slowly and hid behind a tree. We could hear their loud footsteps approaching. When we saw their backs we leaped forward, putting our arms around their necks. I heard a loud crack and then thump next to me. I cracked my guys neck surprisingly easy and dropped him. We didn't hear any cannons so checked their pulses. Nothing. That meant the brawl wasn't over yet...I guess it's good we got out of there wen we did.

We gathered their tools and went through all the stuff we had gathered. A tent, some weapons, food, medicine,blankets, rope, matches, and a mini heater. Damn, we hit the jackpot. The tent was easy to put up and take down quickly. Night was falling fast so we placed the tent on top of two sturdy branches high in a tree. We tied it up with the rope and sat inside. I could see my breathe in the cold weather. I wrpapped my arms around myself and Louis covered us with the blankets before cuddling up to me. "I hope that heater works soon..." he said into my neck. I nodded laid down next to him. He unzipped his jacket and made me do the same. "This will help keep us warm" he said making me wrap my arms around him inside his jacket. I dug my face into his chest and tried to sleep when I heard eight loud booms. I lifted my head and looked at Louis. "Sixteen left" he whispered. I nodded my head and lay back down on him. We were responsible for two of those booms...

In the morning we packed up and moved. It wouldn't do us any good if we stayed in the same place. I held his hand while we walked, scared that if I let go something bad would happen. I was looking forward when I was pushed against a tree with my mouth covered. I looked at Louis but he was looking at something off to the distance. I slowly turned my head behind the large tree and saw the careers. There were 3 boys and two girls. I guess the other girl career got hurt in the fight. Louis helped me quietly climb up the tree with him right behind me. We went as high as we could be so we could hear them. "Dammit, why can't we find anybody! It's not like there's much to hide in" the prettiest girl said. She was a tall blonde with giant boobs. Bitch. "Or maybe there is..." a guy with greasy looking black hair said. He started kicking around the snow until I heard a loud shriek. He pulled up the poor kid and held him by the back of his shirt. "Well well well, look who we got here" he said with a slimey smile. Another guy walked over and handed him a knife. He took it with a nod then slit the child's throat with a boom soon after. I would've screamed if Louis hadn't covered my mouth so hard to where I had to bite down a little so he would stop hurting me. He slowly took away his hand and watched them walk away laughing like they just heard the funniest thing in the world.

When they were far away enough we jumped down and examined the poor boy. He couldn't be older than fourteen. Louis covered the boy's wound with the snow so you couldn't see the flesh. A tear tickled my cheek. It was so cruel how they looked so happy to kill him and he was so young. "Let's keep going" Louis mumbled pulling me away. I kept trying to look back but he would try my head forward. He wrapped a comforting arm around me and kept walking.

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