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"Are you sure about this?" Troye, Mitch's boyfriend, asked.

"I'm very sure, come on. No one's home. We have the house to ourselves." Mitch smiled and unlocked the door, pushing it open.

He dragged Troye by the wrist and through the narrow hallways to his room.

The blue eyed boy pushed Mitch back onto the bed, making him bounce a little and crawled ontop of him, hovering.

"Are you sure you want me to be your first? Mitchie, it's okay if not, you can tell-" He was cut off by lips attaching to his.

"Just shut up. Of course I want you to be my first." Mitch began to tug at his boyfriend's shirt, eventually pulling it over his head and onto the carpeted floor.

Articles of clothing were removed one after the other and added to the pile on the floor. Troye hovered over Mitch, positioning himself at Mitch's stretched out hole.

"You ready?" He asked the fragile boy underneath him.

"As I'll ever be."

Troye started off slow, moving his hips in and out. Mitch wanted more. Troye started thrusting harder and faster, his skin slapping against Mitch's, moans and deep breaths occupied the otherwise eerie room.

All of a sudden, Troye's thrusts became sloppier and he fell back on the bed, pulling out.

Mitch screamed, rushing to get ontop of his boyfriend. He watched as the blood started gushing out of the latter's nose. The scene he was witnessing was like straight out of a horror movie. His boyfriend' since blue eyes were now all red and bleeding out.

"T-Troye. Troye. TROYE!" Mitch screamed at his boyfriend, shaking at his shoulders.

Tears cascaded down his cheeks, he's never cried this much. Ever.

He reached over to the bedside table and fumbled around for his phone, almost dropping it. He called his mom.

Not long after his mom came into his room, listening to his cries and story of what happened.

"What did I do to him, mom?" Mitch cried as he looked at the now deceased body of what used to be his boyfriend.

"Baby, he had brain hemorrhage. You see, your great-grandmother bore this same curse as you, revealing in the end that she is a witch."

"What does that mean, mom? Am I a witch too? What's going to happen to me?" The questions were endless, they just poured out of his mouth without thinking.

His mother dropped her head and looked down at the floor, "I'm afraid honey, that you will have to be sent away. A member of the witch council will be here very shortly, pack your bags, baby boy."

Mitch gave her a look. A look of hate, misery and grief.

"I'm so sorry, baby." With that she rose from the bed and headed for the door. She stopped at the doorframe, her hand resting on it and looking at her now rather depressed and shocked seventeen year old son.

She couldn't bare the pain of looking at her only child and walked out of the room.

Mitch, knowing he didn't have much time until the council member arrived, decided to start packing. He pulled out the large humble suitcase from underneath his bed, throwing it onto the messy covers and beginning to fill it with clothing items.

After a while, a rather short and stubby looking woman was stood in front of the large curtained window in his room, his mother again by the doorframe. The woman's hair was red, crimped and looking like a bird's nest. A long retro type polka dotskirt covered her legs down to her mid calves, a white shirt with a jacket and shawl wrapped around her. Small, white glasses sat perched on the bridge of her nose and her lips smeared in red lipstick.

"Are you ready to go, dear?" The woman, who introduced herself as Luna, asked.

Mitch shrugged but followed after the woman. His mother was crying, but she didn't struggled to let her only son go.

He followed Luna out of his house, carrying his box suitcase. Without turning back, he left. And he was going to be gone for good.

Goodbye to the little farm city in Texas.

And hello to Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Witches in New Orleans.

Hello to the life in a Coven.

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