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Picture of the Academy house in the media for anyone who hasn't watched AHS: Coven. It's Buckner Mansion in New Orleans :))

Mitch sat in his seat on the train, the greenery outside merged together as the train sped down the tracks. He watched out of the window, for most of the journey, deep in thought.

He has just killed his boyfriend. He's being transferred from Texas to New Orleans to attend some school for witches. He is a witch!

Luna sat in the row next to Mitch, her hands covered in white gloves, resting on her lap. She hasn't spoke since they got on the train, but it's not like Mitch wanted to talk to her anyway.

Luna led Mitch down a narrow street of New Orleans and stopped outside a huge white house with old, slightly rusty, black vintage gates.

She pushed one side of the gate open and motioned for Mitch to walk in. He held his suitcase in his hand, knuckles turning white from the tight grip, trying to contain his fear and nervousness.

He put down the suitcase on the gravel path that led to the steps up to the Academy house. He took a deep breath, holding it in then slowly releasing it. Turning his head, he examined the new, unfamiliar surroundings. Looking back to the gate, it was closed again and Luna was gone.

Mitch bent his knees to lower down to pick up his suitcase again. He fixed his hair with his free hand and he carried on walking down the gravel path and up the white stone steps.

The door didn't seem to fit the rest of the design of the mansion. It was brown and simple with a white lace curtain in the window. It looked.. Odd.

However, Mitch set his free hand on the knob and twisted it, in attempt of opening it. To his surprise, the door was unlocked and opened with ease.

Upon entering the rather long and wide hallway, he set his suitcase down and walked further into the capacious house. A very elegant, yet simple staircase was settled at the end of the hallway and divided to the left and right after the first few step directing to the higher tier of the mansion.

The walls were painted white and large, framed and very realistic portraits decorated the otherwise blank walls. A cleanly polished black grand piano stood in the corner of the large sitting room and vintage couches were assigned as the seating of the room.

A rustle drew Mitch's attention away from the furbishment of the house. He tuned around yet saw no one or no thing.

The rustling continued and it seemed to move in a cyclic motion. Mitch seemed to be spinning in circles, trying to find the source of the rustling.

Finally he stopped and ended up again in the hallway.

"Boo hoo. Looks like we've got another witch bitch joining us." A voice said.

Mitch was faced with three ghastly figures dressed in black from head to toe. Beaked masks covered their faces so he didn't know what they looked like.

The expression on his face screamed fear and humiliation of some sort.

The three figures started taking their masks off and introducing themselves.

"I'm Avi." The boy on the left said. He was average height, slim with dark brown, long flowing hair and a beard.

"I'm Kevin." The boy on the right said. He was again average height, muscular build and a small stubble lining his jaw.

Finally the tall figure in the middle took the freaky mask off revealing their face. When Mitch saw who was in front of him, he was flabbergasted and nearly fainted.

"I'm Alex. But I suppose you should already know that."

Tall, muscular boy, dazzling eyes, styled up hair and a million dollar smile. Movie star since aged 6, rich as fuck, so what was he doing here? He's a witch?

Mitch couldn't believe it.

He finally knocked himself out of his train of thought and decided it's a good idea to finally introduce himself.

"I-I'm Mitch."

Sorry about the vv late update, loves. But exam prep is getting to the best of me.

I have a Polish exam tomorrow (Wednesday) wish me luck.

-olimpiaa xo

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2016 ⏰

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