Chapter 3

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James Bond P.O.V

  What the fuck?! This is the 207th text in a row that Leslie hasn't answered. Of course she's not responding, no one I meet on tinder ever does. I still feel like something is wrong. I should go check on her. It's a good thing I've been watching her through her phone camera, I knew it would come in handy some day.

    I head to my door and grab my trusty can shoes. I don't know why more people don't make shoes out of cans, it really is the most effective method. The bridge she lives under is just south of my house, and it only takes me three minutes to get there. This bridge is known for having some pretty hot girls live under it, they usually have more than half of their teeth and only five kids. In this town, that's a solid 10. 

   She's not there. The only thing left is a used baindaid, fuck yes. It has pictures of shrek on it too, wow. How does she know that those are my favorite, I don't remember mentioning it. I pick it up and put it to my nose, inhaling the scent. Suddenly I get a vision. Shes locked in a dark room and tied up, against her will for once, if you know what I mean. It's my job to go save her. After I go get chipotle of course.

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