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As the trucks were being tied up, I had never seen Simon so nervous. His Land Rover has the least horse power and torque out of all our cars, even though he has a supercharger on it. What happened next was bad. As they put throttle on the cars, The land Rover was not budging but the Ford was kicking dirt like something else. Then out of nowhere the tow rope snaped and Daniel along with his truck down a little foothill cliff nearby. Daniel's truck flat out rammed a tree and the airbag went off. We all rushed down the hill to see if he was ok, and he was perfectly fine other than the fact that he was rattled. His truck on the other hand while still running supposedly perfect, suffered a massive dent on his aftermarket bumper. Despite this, we took him to an urgent care, and he checked out. When we got back, Daniel was pretty worried about his truck, and he drove it back up to the top of the hill and didn't say very much the rest of the night. We all decided to get some rest.

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