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I JUST GOT 2K!!!!!!

So some shout outs!!!

And a whole lot more!! Thank you guys so much for getting this story up to 2k, you guys are all awesome and stay AWESOME!!!!

Now you guys are wondering what I'm going to do with this special. I.have to this to do.

First off, some fan art:

First off, some fan art:

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Alright now that's out of the way, ON FOR A SNEAK PEEK!!!! Of 'The pony and the dragon'

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Alright now that's out of the way, ON FOR A SNEAK PEEK!!!! Of 'The pony and the dragon'.

Note that is still in a WORK IN PROGRESS MODE.don't forget to find this song above. Enjoy!
Beginning of snark peek:

It was a dark night at Canterlot High and everyone was already at home and in bed. All except for Arctic Ace who was still at the school filling out papers so he can attend the school. After 8 hours of filling out papers he took the big stack and placed them on Principal Celestia's desk and started to walk down the hall toward the exit. But as he walked toward the exit his head began to hurt. He thought it was nothing and proceeded to walk to the exit but one he got closer, he began to have a massive migraine!

'What the heck?!?!' Arctic Ace thought.

'Ah Ace, is good to see you again!'

Ace jerked back and hit his head against the lockers. He immediately recognized the voice in his head and tried to fight it. Ace ran to the bathroom, turned the sink on and splashed his face with cold water. After couple a couple of dollars he started to breath heavily.

'So this is the warming welcome I get from my brother? For shame Ace, for shame.'

"Get out of my head Jack!!! Our I'll....I'll..-" Ace said as he corrected his head.

'You'll what? You can't do anything against me! I'm inside you!! And now that I think about it, you've already had enough time to explore this world. So now...... it's my turn.' Jack said.

Ace's head began hurt like his brain was splitting apart and his makes began paralyzed as he fell to the floor.

''Night night, Ace....you're gonna need it!' Jack said before Ace passed out on the floor as he heard Jack's laugh each through his head.
End of SNEAK peek.

Yeah it's sort but don't worry it's only a small sneak peek.

I'll see all you ponies in 'The Elements of Insanity: Chaos and Insanity"

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