i cant help it !?

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Chapter 6

Zaras (pov)

So I am currently sitting on the end of jasmines bed watching her chuck clothes everywhere around her once clean room ... she's attempting to find a dress for me well good luck with that it's not that I don't wear dresses it just that I have a big breast area and which means that I have to wear non strapless dresses and its not always the best thing having big breasts to tell you the truth.. its already been 20 minutes since the boys left and jass still hasn't found a dress " YESS FINALLY FOUND ONE COME HERE Z "she says happily .. well maybe I spoke to soon I make my over to her and see her holding a black dress hmm not bad jass " ok go try it on quick " she says pushing me in the bathroom.. I sigh " crazy woman " I whisper '" hey I herd that z " she yells behind the door wow how did she hear that but then again its jasmine she's crazy I chuckle to myself and strip from my clothes and slip on the dress It hugs my curves perfectly it comes just above my knees with a beautiful aqua green lace design just were my waist line stops it has black lace sleeves and the bottom half it tight black.. I really like this dress also because it hides  my scars perfectly I twirl around in front of the mirror and see a girl who is finally coming out of her shell but I'm also shitting myself I haven't been to a party in well lets say along time getting pulled out of my daze from jasmine knocking on the door I huff and open the door walking out ready to hear bad comments like "it doesn't suit you" or" maybe you shouldn't go" but i'm meet with a very surprised looking jasmine with her mouth half open I start to worry I do look bad don't I I feel tears threatening to spill jasmines notices and quickly starts screaming jumping up and down I stare at her and I complete have no idea why she's screaming good how bad do I look " please just hurry and tell me I look bad so I can go home now" I say chocking back my sobs jasmines stops and her faces drops hurt flashes through her face when she realises what  I just said " oh my gosh z no you look absolutely beautiful, you look... you .. I cant even finish my sentence.. wow " she says waking up to me and wiping a tear the escaped my eye I'm caught of guard by her comment " really " I say not really believing  what she said .. " Zara sweetheart you look amazing I'm just overwhelmed now I feel ugly " she chuckles while walking over to her desk pulling out her chair gesturing me to sit down I sit down and look in the mirror I have no makeup on by I have a feeling that's going to change .." thank you jass its that I don't really get .. um.. those types of ... comments a lot but your beautiful okay your not ugly " I say looking at her through he mirror  

she smiles and chuckles " thanks' babe .. okay lets get you dolled up " jasmines says happily I smile and nod his is going to take along time and I know it ..


" okay .. I'm finished .. aww Zara you look beautiful baby you ready to see " jasmine say putting the lip-gloss down I smile and nod she spins the chair around and I cant believe my eyes the girl in the mirror is not me I have a beautiful aqua colour eye shadow with black eye liner on top , my foundation is down perfectly to my skin tone , she didn't use any blush because my cheeks are red already she out a nice peach lip gloss on my lips as I keep staring at the mirror I start to see my mum we looked the same just thinking about her is making me tear up " wow ".. my voice breaks " what's wrong you look amazing z " jasmine says siting next to me putting her hand on my shoulder I breath in and exhale and shaky sigh " I look like my mum " I say holding my tears jasmine doesn't say anything she just smiles and nods she sighs and gets up to her wardrobe and picks up a pink strapless dress with black wear her breast would be placed its knee length she picks blue heels and black heels for me..i slip on the heels and look at myself I feel pretty .. we take some pictures when we hear the door bell ring I stiffen I actually forgot the boys were coming oh my gosh what's Jayden going to think " I cant do this just say I'm sick .. yea I'm sick * cough* *cough* I say running around the room  

" Zara calm down babe you look amazing okay and your defiantly going okay " she says sternly wow scary ... "okay okay " I say letting jasmine walk out the bedroom door first I hear there voices calm down Zara just breath you'll be find making our way down the stairs I start to see Jayden's white converses I finally reach the end of the stairs to see two wide eyed boys with there mouths open I start to feel uncomfortable with them staring at me so I drop my head down and start fiddling with my nails which really need to be done again Ethan is the first to speak up he clears he's throat scratching the back of he's neck nervously " you look absolutely amazing .. umm yea wow " he says looking at jasmine of course you know I mean how could you not stare at her she's perfect  " Zara you look adorable " Ethan says with a wink I see Jayden stiffen.. hmmm I smile and blush " thanks' " I say looking at jass who's looking at me with with truthful eyes Jayden hasn't said anything wow that actually hurts Ethan clears he's throat " we should get going or else we will be late " he says walking out the door after jasmine goes first of course what a gentlemen I start walking but I was pulled back by my wrist I turn around and see Jayden staring at me "  Zara .. he swallows looks down then back up at me I have no idea what games he's playing but its annoying me " you look beautiful , gorges , breathtaking ... god I could go on " Jayden says looking into my eyes our faces our inches apart I can feel he's breath on my face my heart starts beating fast ooo what is happening he starts leaning in and I find my self leaning in as well I cant believe this is happening I feel he's lips touch mine there so soft our lips move in sync butterflies erupt in my stomach we kiss for another 30 seconds till we both pull back resting our foreheads together I smile and look up at Jayden who's already looking down at me " You don't understand how long ive wanted that to happen for " he says rubbing he's nose against mine  my heart flutters I smile and chuckle ...

maybe this will be my first step of becoming my old self maybe .....

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