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Hi minna, here I am again with the second chapter of Heartbreaks/Challenges

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Hi minna, here I am again with the second chapter of Heartbreaks/Challenges. Most of this chapter with be 3rd POV so there here I go!

3rd POV:

Wow we look great girls! Now lets get going!

15 minutes later- Hey minna! 

Natsu: The girls walked in looking really sexy all of us just stared and drooled till Gajeels girl Summer, Grays girl Ella, Jella girl Sulla,  Romeos girl Sill, and  My girl Lisanna knocked us out of our daze. "Owww what did you do that for" i said It's because you are staring at your girlfriends soon to be ex-girlfriends. oh yeah we forgot sorry but they are looking fine. Yeah, ok now break up with them! ok, on it!

3rd POV:

Hey their are the boys and i just can't wait to see what they going to tell us!!!!

Lucy POV:

We all our going to the boys when they stopped us and came to us. Weird!!!

Ezra POV: 

Hey Jellal! Hey Ezra, ummm we have to talk to you guys. "Ok" said Mira

hmmm I wonder what Gray-Sama wants to to talk about to Juvia and the rest of us.

Gray POV:

We are taking the girls to the park and then broke the news.



Gajeel POV:

It means that we are ending it with you guys, simply put we are not boyfriend and girlfriend no more i've got summer and she is not a shrimp like you pipsqueak.

Levy POV: 

Once again my name isn't SHRIMP it's levy L-E-V-Y!!! Yeah what ever!

Lucy POV:

i--iii--m out of words ( Just standing their with a shocked face)... To be continued!

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