Johnnie guilbert 2

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Johnnies pov
I woke up the next morning tired.i remembered my phone call with Alex and smiled. She was so supportive.My phone started ringing. When I saw the caller ID I groaned.
B-Bryan j-Johnnie
J- yeah
B-it's today
J- what's to-... Oh yeah
B-yeah be ready we have to film this
J-.. Whatever see you soon
I hung up the phone. There is no turning back now. I have to just put my heart out there and hope they forgive me for ending it all. We had already discussed how we are going to make the video.
I pushed open the doors . "Good you made it" Bryan says smiling. I turned to Alex " I'm not ready to give it up".
"Who said I am?" Alex looks down. "I have a surprise for you once we get finally shoot this video" I said to Alex. "Okay" she says smiling. We go to sit down on the couch and I put my arm over Alex's shoulders. "Johnnie you are going to explain everything okay. Bryan says. "What? No! Why me?" I say. "Who do you think the mde fans want to listen to. The reporter or Johnnie guilbert?" Bryan asks not looking nervous at all. I sigh "fine lets just get this over with".
Flashback over
Fast forward the car ride
"I'm here." I say. Nothing. I look around the room nothing. I go look outside to see Bryan and Alex whispering. "IM HERE" I yell. Bryan jumps. Alex just smiles "okay then let's go" she says grabbing my hand.

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