Who took them?

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Claire kneels down with the page on her lap she gets ready to read the spell. "Spirits from the underground, please let these two spirits once again live their soul will come back to their bodies, and their hearts beating once again, so mote it be..." The candle flames flew into their hearts. But nothing happened they can't tell if Raven and Tetso are breathing.
They leave their bodies there. While everyone is asleep Alan comes out and sees Raven and Tetso, he walks up to Ravens body. He cuddles under her arm. He knows that she was dead but he just wants to cuddle with Raven.
In the next morning Everyone checks in the garden they see that their bodies aren't there anymore, Alan is just sleeping there. Maquella picks up Alan. "Alan, where's Raven and Tetso?" Alan wakes up. "Huh,...oh! Well last night I wasn't sure but I think someone stole their bodies I still wasn't sure if their...dead or not. Anyways the man was wearing a long dark cloak...and his eyes where glowing either white or red...I wasn't sure..."
"Hm...that kinda sounds like...Shadow...." Everyone travels to Emona. They barge in the castle the light is still shining in the throne. But no ones here. "Hello...? Shadow are you here?" They see someone standing in the light wearing a pitch black coat covering their face. They slowly take off the hoodie...

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