As soon as Raven is about to sit in her throne Claire barges in Ravens castle. "PRINCESS PRINCESS PRINCES!!!!" Claire jumps on Raven yelling and screaming like a maniac. Raven sighs. "What now...." "TH-THE EMOS ARE ATTACKING THE KINGDOM AGAIN!!!!" Claire jumps off of Raven and starts panicking and barking sense she's a wolf demon.
Raven looks out on the balcony sees Shadow and Tetso attacking the village. "Oh for fucksake....." Raven flies to the village. "Everyone remain calm, hurry and get inside the castle where you all can stay-" As soon as Raven was gonna finish her sentence, Shadow shoots Ravens left wing with an arrow. "-....Safe...." Missy And Claire runs to Raven. "Princess? Are you alright-...Y-YOUR WING!" Raven stands up and turns around. She yanks off the arrow from her wing and aims at Shadow.
"....Maquella....sense your a lion demon would you do the honors and help me light up this arrow?" Maquella salutes and grabs a touch and lights up the arrow. "Thank you." As soon as Raven shoots it at shadow, shadow doges. "Ugh....ok....tomorrow night I vow to be the last war if one us Emos win we will take over the Goths!" Raven walks up to shadow. "Hah but if us Goths win I reclaim peace!"
The goths in the background starts cheering. The Emos go back to their kingdom.
The Two Kingdoms Of Madness
FantasíaA redo of The Kingdoms Of Darkness two kingdoms Emo Vs Goth both races are against each other and has been fighting for over thousands and thousands of years everyone in both kingdoms are a type of a demon one might win and one might go down to hell...