Immortality, Marriage, and Family

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You smiled happily as you were making food. You hadfinally found where you belonged and you couldn't be happier. Timehad lapsed since you came to this dimension, and you had eaten enoughto once again be your normal chubby self.

Your (eye color) orbs were sparkling, your (skin tone)flesh had an inner glow about it like a light was set off under skin,and your (curly/wavy/straight) hair was soft and well taken care ofit. You were wearing a cute Lolita dress that was (favorite color)with (second favorite color) trim. You also wore (second favoritecolor) and (black/white) stripped thigh high socks and a simple setof (favorite color) ballet flats. On your (non dominant hand) wristwas the metal bracelet that declared you to the world that you wereName, the personification of London, England. The only new piece ofjewelry was a (silver/gold) ring on your left ring finer. A weddingring. The ring was set with five gems, a ruby, sapphire, diamond,then another ruby and another diamond; it was to represent both theEnglish flag and the Union Jack colors. Olivia wore a matching(gold/silver) wedding ring though her gems were different, the onesshe had was (your birthstone), (gemstone that matches your eye) (yourfavorite gemstone).

Your (hair color) tresses were pulled back out of theway so you could work on making the cupcakes. You were making some(favorite flavor) cupcakes with (flavor that goes well with favoriteflavor) frosting. You weren't as good as her making cupcakes butstill she loved them. She could taste your love for her with everybite and she absolutely adored it.

As the cupcakes were cooling and you were mixing thefrosting you jumped gasping. You turned to look and calmed as you sawyour wife's blue with swirls of pink eyes and you smiled. "Welcomehome darling." You whispered and she smiled kissing you gently.

You moaned wrapping your chubby arms around her neck."I'm glad to be back, and I see something truly scrumptious iswaiting for me~" she cooed and you giggled letting her go andturning back to the frosting.

"The cupcakes will be ready soon Olivia." You saidbut she wrapped her arms around your plump waist and tugged you soyour back was pressed to her front.

"I wasn't speaking of the cupcakes, cupcake. In allhonesty, I much rather eat you~." She cooed nipping your ear as youlet out a squeak. "Your the most scrumptious, decadent, luxuriouspoppet I've ever seen. And your mine, love." She whisperedshivering in pleasure as you hummed.

You turned to her and tugged her face to you, kissingyour lovingly. Your hands cupped her freckled face as her handsslipped down slightly to grip your bum and squeeze. This caused youto gasp and she took the chance to slip her tongue into your mouth.

" you forgotten?" You askedpulling away from her, pecking her cute nose. "France, America, andCanada are coming to visit," you reminded her. Before you two hadmarried, you were technically married the second you drank the potionmaking you the personification of London, but you had a wedding aswell. You had met the second player of America, France, and Canada,they were all girls to. So in a round-about way Canada and Americawere your daughters and France was your sister.

"Frankly my dear, I don't give a hoot." She said andyou giggled and kissed you knew the quote was supposed to be 'Franklymy dear, I don't give a damn.' but Olivia would never curse. Yousmiled and kissed her, she knew you couldn't resist her.

"Olivia, seriously; they'll be here any minute." Youpointed out as she merely nipped along your soft neck.

"We'll be quick then." She said giving your bumanother squeeze as she rolled her hips against yours causing you tomoan. "But even if were not, I don't mind. Let them hear the eroticsounds you make for me." She cooed as you blushed darkly at that,"let them hear that you are mine." She whispered and you blusheddarker and let out a moan as she held you tightly. You were hers andhers alone, and you were more than happy as she was yours and onlyyours.

Thisis the last chapter of 2p!England. Wow, I really liked it and it wentso fast. I hope you guys liked it.

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