Going Home, Losing You

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You smiled gently as you danced to (favorite song), youand Olivia were just dancing with each other having fun. You wereboth in your pajamas, you a pair of booty shorts and a tank top, theshorts being in the pattern of the Union Jack and the top in thepattern of the English flag. Once upon a time, before you startedbeing with her four months ago, you would never have worn this; evenwhen alone. But she had shown you just how beautiful and perfect toher you were to her. And as long as she loved you and found youdesirable, you didn't care what anyone else thought.

Sheherself was wearing one of your over sized (favorite band) shirtsthat you had bought two sizes too big for youso it was a small dress to her. You had to admit there was reallysomething that drove you absolutely bonkers seeing her wearing yourclothing.

However you both paused as you heard some weird swirlingsound so you turned off the (music system of your choice) and bothlooked at each other.

Suddenly they're was a flash of bright light and ascream and Olivia was gone. You looked shocked gasping and lookingaround.

"Olivia? Olivia!" You called running around looking.You shook as you started to piece it together. You knew that Oliviawas from another dimension but you didn't think she would leave.Especially since she had said she was happy here with you, thoughfrom everything that you knew that she didn't do anything, it wasdone.

How could you be so stupid? She was the bloody UnitedKingdom. Of course they would want her back, not to mention she was amember of the Magic Trio. It was only a matter of time before she wassent to her own dimension, who even knew how she got to this one?,you were lucky to have as much time with her as you did.

Big fat salty tears falling from your (eye color) orbsyou collapsed to the floor, the couch supporting you as you criedyour eyes out, hiccuping and trying to breathe. Eventually you endedup making yourself sick and crying yourself to sleep.

Olivia stumbled into the dark room, looking around thecold stone floor seeping into her pale feet. "Ah, there you areEngland." She turned fast on hearing the familiar slightly accentedEnglish, Romanian as she recognized it, to see the second playerpersonifications of Romania and Norway, the other parts of the MagicTrio.

"Oh England! How have you been all these months?"Norway talked this time as Olivia started to shake.

"What's the matter?" Romania asked bluntly as theEnglishwoman's eyes started to fill with tears.

"Why'd you do this? Send me back!" She said herheart beating hard. Name, her darling name, her perfect poppet sheloved so much, she wasn't here. She was in another world.

"What? We can't England." Norway said and blinked aspink took over her friend's eyes, there wasn't even a wisp of blueleft over.

"What was that?" She asked in deadly tone, "yougot me to here and can't send me back?!" She growled as the twogirls blinked.

"Why?Did you enjoyit there?" Romania asked bluntly.

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