Chapter 2; "So Here Goes Nothing."

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I stood at my locker waiting for Luke. He should be here in, 5, 4, 3, 2...

"Hey Tara." 1. "You ready?" He asked walking over to me.

"Yep. Ready as I'll ever be." I smiled.

"Good lets go." He walked out of school and started our way to Luke's house.


"Luke?" I mocked.

"Please please tell me why you and Jai don't get along?" He smiled skipping In front so he was facing me. "Please?"

"Luke I told you, I'm not saying." I answered walking around him, and carried on walking.

"And I told you, I will find out, so you may as well tell me now, save us both the stress." He grabbed my arm to stop me from walking any longer.

"Luke. Let. Go."

"Nope" He said popping the 'P'. "Not until tell me why." He said like a child who couldn't get his own way.

"FINE! Fine I'll tell you." I gave in. He smiled at me and let go of my arm.

"I tooollld youu" He sang.

"Yeah, yeah whatever! Lets just go!" We carried on walking and finally, after what seemed like forever we got to Luke's house. But it seemed like we got there at the wrong time.

"Hey Luke." Stacy. Just great.

"Uh, hi Stacy." Luke said sounding very awkward. "What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for your brother. We're supposed to be going to the cinema but he claims he's ill." She looked down at me and gave a disgusted look. Like I was a piece of dirt on the ground.

"Oh, well, I'll send him down, come on Tara." He said grabbing my arm and pulling me through the door.

"Luke, he cant be In, I can't be in the same house as him when I explain the thing to you." I whispered loudly.

"Just chill I'll get him to leave." He said before he went upstairs.

I sat down on the couch and waited. And waited. And waited until,

"Fuck you Jai..... You selfish bastard....... Shes your girlfriend..... Your telling me that you can't do something that simple...... What ever fucking have a nice time on your own." There was a loud bang, a door slam and then foot steps on the stairs, then Luke was stood by my side again.

"So do you want the good new or the bad news?" He asked

"I have a feeling I know what the bad news is so... the good news." He smiled.

"Okaay well hes going to stay in our room so you won't have to see his face." He stated as he sat down on the sofa.

"What about Stacy?" I asked pointing to the door.

"Oh yeah." He stood up and walked over to the front door and opened it.

"Stacy, look, Jai said hes uhh... I don't know how to put this..... Your dumped." Luke stated. "Your to clingy." After that all I heard was a scream and then Luke was back and smiling. I think I know why, and trust me, I'm not smiling.

"You have to tel-"

"Yes! I know. And I'm not happy!" He just laughed.

"Okaay come on then explain." He patted the space on the sofa and I took it.

"Right, wait! Is your door shut? He can't here me telling you he'd kill me!"

"Yes! just go!" He sat crossed legged facing me.

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