Regrets (angst) mikayuu (kimiyuu)

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"You don't love him, do you?
No you love me still darling, isn't that right?"
Mikaela smiled sweetly, oh so lovingly at yuuchirou as if no ill intentions existed, however the knife pressed right against the laters throat said differently.
"Yuu-chan, come on, look into my eyes, you used to tell me you loved them so much, did that fade my love? Or are his eyes prettier than mine? Does he know everything to make you weak?"
As if to prove a point the ungodly angel stroked yuuchirous ear.
"My devotion to you has been stable since our meeting, you however seem to have strayed from your protector, lover, and savior, now come on, tell me, what's so good about the dreaded leech?"
Those blue eyes that used to cause happiness now had such a cold and lifeless look to them it shook him to his very core, he knew despite how calm the boy was he was livid with purely uncontrollable rage.
"Mika... N-no one compares to you, of course, it was a mistake..."

His eyes darken in color and his stoic demeanor shatters, the knife presses deep into Yuus neck.
"Don't you fucking dare say that bullshit to me YUUCHIROU! I devote my LIFE TO YOU AND ONLY YOU! And you think you're fucking entitled to leave me in a time of need? Right after I had a breakdown? To fuck HIM?!"
He'd never seen Mika like this, he'd seen him mad but it didn't come close to comparison, fear took over yuus entire being.
A rough slap to the face silenced him.
"You incompetent fool! I gave you everything! Not only my love and attention! I gave you my innocence, my childhood and the promise to be with you forever?! I'm always here for you!"
All too quickly the blonde looks calm again, he sits back in a relaxed position, pulling the knife away.
"Of course we can be back to the way we always were, I'll keep being innocent and sweet, ignorant, and you can keep using me, how's that sound yuu-chan? All you have to do is never see kimi-chan again?"
Gently caressing his cheek
Mika smiles in the sweetest way possible
But there's still no light in his eyes.
"Mika... He's my best friend, and I'm not using you... Don't say that."
Yuu leaned away from the touch and brought his hand to the cut on his neck.
"P-please forgive me."
A nail digging into his cheek reminds him he's powerless against the seemingly weak little angel, yuuchirou knows better, Mikaela is ruthless.
"A-alright I won't talk to him anymore, or see him, please stop Mika, I'll be loyal I swear..."
Releasing his face Mika smiled so happily you'd think the best thing in the world was happening not that his boyfriend as of 10 years has cheated on him.
Mika cuddles up to him and gently licks the blood from his neck.
"Thank you I'm so glad we can be together~"
"Me too... Mika can I have some time alone? We can go out to eat at a nice restaurant later, as an apology,"
The angelic blonde lit up again, eyes looking up at yuu as he moved off of him.
"Alright! I'll go shower and get ready yuu-chan!!"
He left the room and went to the bathroom.
Deep inhale, shallow exhale, pain, so much pain, so much fear, this was a new side of his darling, contrasting Mikaelas sweet innocent demeanor, it was as if it wasn't him, like it was another inside him controlling him, but yuu knew it was Mikaela.
Once he heard the water running he called kimizuki.
After one ring the strawberry haired male picked up.
"Mika found out,
We can't talk anymore
I'll explain one day...
Just don't text me or call me ok?"
A Stern voice came from the other line.
"Tell me now."
However he was cut off my the phone cutting the call off, he couldn't believe yuu had hung up on him.
The water cut off and Mika happily dried off looking at all the little love bites his previous yuu-Chan had left
"Mine, all mine, I'll make sure!"
Man found stabbed to death.
police identified body as 19 year old kimizuki shihou

They'd been sitting on the couch curled up in each others arms until a report came on the news... Yuuchirou stared silently not able to comprehend what he was reading.
Suddenly the screen went black.
"The news is always so boring, let's cuddle in bed instead yuu-chan."
Mikaela cast his cerulean eyes up at his boyfriend in a needy and innocent way.

He stared still
Right at the screen
Kimizuki Shihou


Stabbed to death

He turned it off

He dismissed the death of someone they both knew

He dismissed it
Dismissed, no that didn't sound right
Mikaela definitely acknowledged it, that's why he turned it off
And now he thinks yuuchirou will act normally like he didn't just find out his best friend had been brutally murdered.
The angel looked tilted his head feigning ignorance.
"You killed kimizuki didn't you?"
"Why would I have done that?"
That silly smooth voice void of all nervousness and fear, he's lying. In a matter of seconds Mikaela was pinned down with his lovers hands around his neck.
He sputtered out a choked cough and looked at yuu.
"You fucking killed him?! I haven't spoken to him and you fucking MURDERED HIM?! MIKA I CANT FUCKING BELIEVE YOU WOULD DO THIS! OVER SOMETHING AS STUPID AS SEX?!"
Tears welled up in the Chrystal clear eyes panic flooded the blondes system, his mind failed to form proper responses proper thoughts, vision blurring from lack of air mixed with tears.
Digging his nails into Yuus hands silently praying for him to let go.
"You fucking bitch! You're terrible!"
Yuu knew it was Mika
Who else would it be? Why would anyone kill kimizuki? He might be a jerk but he didn't deserve to die.
He saw Mika that night, he saw the rage when kimizuki was so much as mentioned
That's how he knew it was Mika.
By the time yuu loosened his grip it was moments too late. Blue eyes now dead and cold, lips open begging to catch a breath, his hands dropped from yuu.
Watching closely his heart stopped, no breath was coming from between Mikaelas soft lips

Hands shaking as he pushed on Mikaelas chest
"N-no, Mika!"
No response

Yuu still stared at the body of his former lover in shock
Mumbling his name over and over until it felt foreign on his tongue.


Mikaela was in the hospital.
The absence in his bed
No more little kisses on his jaw.
Lord he was scared
He had no one left.
Deciding it was best to throw Mikaelas things away and move to a new apartment yuu sorted through his stuff
Not even nothing to look at pictures knowing he wouldn't be able to handle it.
A piece of paper was folded,
To: shihou kimizuki
From: Mikaela hyakuya
The night he left
He was wearing this coat
The night kimizuki died
The night Mikaela came home at one am and drank until he passed out
The night yuuchirou ignored his sobs, being quite used to the blonde crying over one reason or another.
Out of sheer curiosity yuu opened the note the words were simple.

Dear kimizuki, I want to say I'm sorry, for everything I did to yuu-chan and you... I don't deserve him... But I want him
If you want him too though, I'll leave him, I don't wanna ruin you guys... You're much better than me, please please forgive me...

Yuu read it over and over trying to understand what had happened, Mika went to apologize?? Then how did kimizuki end up dead...?
He blinked then jumped up and rushed out of the apartment trying making sense of things

The way to the hospital, to Mikas room was blurry.
The boy was peacefully sleeping however with a nervous look on his pretty features.
Yuu looked at Mika and gently rolled up his sleeve, bruises, lots of them, bigger than Yuus hand...
Mikaela woke up, instinctively pulling away,
His pupils dilated greatly in fear.
Also on instinct Mikaela slapped Yuus hand away and shot upright,
Backing away as much as possible.
"Mika it's ok, it's me..."
The boy tensed further.
"N-no go away! I hate you!"
Yuu stared silently, very surprised by the Angels behavior, Mikaela was almost always very calm and spoke intelligently and elegantly, even when suffering from a breakdown Mikaela would speak properly, yet here he was sounding much like a child.
"I don't want you! Leave."
Mika pulled his knees up to his chest still trying to distance himself from yuu.
"Mika, were you trying to apologize to kimizuki that night...?"
The scared expressions leaves his face and he crossed his legs instead of holding them against himself.
"Yuu-chan... How'd you find out?"
Tears spilled down his soft pink cheeks as he looked at his former lover.
"I found the note..."
Suddenly arms wrapped around yuu.
"Thank god, yuu I was so scared,
It was awful I went to make things right- he tried to kill me yuu-chan!"
The boy was sobbing.
"I felt so bad for how I treated you both,"
He was shaking in Yuus arms.
"I'm awful, I killed him- he's dead yuu-chan and its my fault, I'm awful!"
"'ll forgive me right?"
Yuu kissed his angel lovingly.
"I understand Mikaela, it's alright
Don't worry."

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