Part 10 - Date

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I'm really glad you're still sticking with my story. Thank you! :) I don't know how much longer this story will go, but it won't be that long. Enjoy ^.^

(Delirious POV)
The time when Vanoss was in my place was the best in my life. I really enjoyed his company, and felt sad when he decided to leave.

I spent whole day playing games with Eric. Firstly I was really disappointed when he hadn't showed up in the shopping center, but after a while I believed his story about grandma. I started to feel something for the guy. The problem was I didn't even know how he looked like. So I wrote him a text.

Dude, nice game! I was thinking... I don't even know how you look like. What about a photo?

I waited some time before sending this to him.

Isn't this too much? I don't want to freak him out. I don't want to show him, I'm interested in him that early.

I sent it with my racing heart and started to dress myself. I knew I wasn't able to visit my family, in the time I looked like shit, so I was happy to go there.

I arrived to the house and immediately was hungry, after I felt that amazing smell from mums cooking. They led me to the table and I was really happy to see them all.

"Dinner will be ready soon. Oh Jonathan... I want to introduce someone to you. This is Nicole." I glanced over the person, who came into the room, after my mums speech.

It was a girl with long brown hair and green eyes. After she saw me she started to blush.

"Nicole is my friends daughter and I invited her to have dinner with us."

It was more then polite dinner with my family, and I knew something was not right. My partners weren't fighting, even teasing, and everybody behaved like Nicole was a queen to them.

"Darling? Why don't you escort Nicole to her home?" asked me my mother.

"Yes. Its late and we don't want anything to happen to her." I slowly nodded my head and waited for her to get ready.

We started to walk and had great chat. I enjoyed that moment with her, even though it was mostly me who spoke.

"It was nice," she said while standing in front of her house. I smiled.

"Yeah. See you some day." I turned around and wanted to go home. I was wandering if Eric responded and if yes, what did he wrote.

"Wait... I thought you're gonna kiss me." I turned back to her with confusion on my face.

"What?" I asked.

"I thought we had a connection. I enjoyed that dinner with your family and then this walk. So you wanna kiss me?"

Oh shit! She thought this is a date? I'm not into a women.

"Wait Nicole... don't get me wrong please, you're amazing girl, but I'm not interested in you."

"But... my mum said its a date. That you're my potential partner."

I was lost in this situation.


She made a few steps to be closer to me.

"My mum and your parents arranged this meeting to let us get know each other. I thought you liked me."

What? They got me a date? Oh my god. This isn't funny anymore. I can't let them do that to me. I get they're afraid of me being alone but they should respect my privacy. That's why they were so nice to me and to each other.

"Nicole, I'm sorry, but you're not my type. I enjoyed it and all but that's all."

"So you're friendzoning me right now? What's wrong with me? Am I too fat? Am I too ugly?she whispered.

I have to stop her but I can't tell her I'm gay. Think, Jonathan, think!

"No, no, no. It's isn't on your side. I just... I'm after really long relationship with one girl and I'm not ready emotionally to date yet. But we can stay friends."

She nodded her head and I felt really bad for her how sad she looked. I took her head into my hands and kissed her forehead.


Once I returned home I got a call from my dad. I was really pissed about this thing.

"Hey, darling. How was it?" he asked as soon as I picked it up.

"Why are you arranging me a dates?"

"What are you talking about?" he replied.

"I get that you're worried about me, but because I'm not telling you about my lovers doesn't mean I don't have one!"

There was a few seconds pause.

"So you're dating somebody right now?"

"Yes! So stop being love helpers please. It was so hard to reject Nicole."

"We're sorry, we had no idea."

I rolled my eyes and breathed out. I turned on my Xbox to see if Eric responded.

"Ok that's all. I wish you good night and thanks for understanding," I said calmer.

"And when will we meet your girlfriend?"

"Good night!"

I hung up and my heart was racing when I saw a respond to my text. I wasn't sure if I want to see that. I took a deep breath and opened it.

Sure, why not. I mean you wanted to meet me and I still thank you for your trust. So here I am.

He looked really good. It was high man, same age as me with green eyes and light hair.

Damn, he's hot. I should text him back and I should visit Vanoss to see his new house.

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