Chapter: 3 When Someone Calls

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Stiles knew it wouldn't be considerate to award the title of 'odd' to Morgan on the basis of the conversation he had with him in the last twenty-four hours. He struggled to keep his personal thoughts and opinions about the people of Greywald aside. Perhaps, he himself was responsible for such outrageous reaction he was getting from everybody or the people here weren't used to seeing new faces, putting their nose where it didn't belong.

Stiles headed upstairs, he saw Morgan still staring at him from the reception area. A pungent smell welcomed Stiles as he put his feet inside the room. He locked the door behind him and placed his camera and phone carefully on the pillow. Stiles made some space for him on the bed. The clothes he was wearing on the previous night were still laying all over the bed. The inn's room looked quite similar to Stiles' own bedroom.

Stiles always had a hard time keeping his place neat and tidy. Most of the time, Stiles couldn't even tell which clothes needed to be washed and which didn't. He used to flip over the bedsheet whenever Riley visited him. Stiles preferred to pretend to have a nicer house rather than actually having to clean it or else, Riley would go straight to their mother to complain about his unhygienic lifestyle.

Leaning against the headboard of the bed, Stiles stretched his arms and legs. As his feet touched the mattress, he realized how much tired he was from all the walking. He was more tired than hungry. There was no point in thinking about dinner anyways. Morgan made himself perfectly clear in the morning that he had nothing to do with Stiles' meals. Stiles could have easily got something to eat when he passed by Berry's but something inside stopped him from going in.

Stiles closed his eyes for a while. He was ready to give himself up to good sleep. He thought of changing into more comfortable clothes, but then decided against it. Stiles lost count of the number of hours he spent asleep.

Stiles' felt his phone vibrating. He tried to search for it by moving his arm around the pillow. Stiles opened his eyes and found everything was blurred for a second. He saw tiny colourful swirl patterns in front of his eyes. Rubbing his eyes, Stiles sat on the bed. A violet light blinked on his phone.

Stiles leaned forward to pick up his phone. The caller ID showed the name, Walden Coben.

Stiles got frightened, not because the name sounded familiar, but because of the reason why the name sounded so familiar. Stiles stared at his phone screen like it was the first time he ever saw someone calling him. Stiles was afraid of being right. He gave a lot of thought to the name appearing on his screen.

'How is that possible? No, this can't be happening. It-It can't be right,' Stiles focussed on the name

After staring at the screen for another minute, Stiles gathered the strength to pick up the call. 'Hello?' he said loud and clear.

The sound of murmurings came from the other side of the phone.

'Hello, Mr Coben? Is that really you? How did you get my number?' he asked. 'Are you okay? Where are you?'

The sound was too low for Stiles to hear. Stiles pressed the phone closer to his ear. He kept on checking the phone to make sure the call wasn't disconnected.

'Hello, is someone there? I can't hear you.' Stiles spoke loudly.

Suddenly the noise of someone crying came through the phone.

'Hello? Are you okay? Who is this? Can you tell me your name?' Stiles asked one question after the other.

That was the last question Stiles asked before the call got disconnected. Stiles wasted no more time and speed dialled Oliver. Stiles got restless after the fifth ring. Stiles didn't know what the time was, all he knew was he couldn't wait for the morning to arrive. If he was right about what he was thinking, then he needed not to waste another second.

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