Cinna's Wall Part 1

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Cinna: Got a job interview to be a Hunger Games Stylist! Wish me luck at the interview today!

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Felix Frost: you got this dude!

Cinna: thanks Felix

Cygnus Swan: go blow the pants off those interviewers!

Cinna: I definitely will

Jordan Amley: Good luck baby! I love you!

Cinna: Thanks sweetheart. I love you too!

Cinna likes Designing clothes, The Hunger Games, and I would never have myself surgically modified.

Stylist Interviewer ~ Cinna

Why, do you want this job?

Cinna: Because my passion is designing clothes and I want to share my passion and talent with Panem.

Stylist Interviewer: Can I see some of your work?

Cinna: Sure

Stylist Interviewer: Thank you for your interest. I'll get back to you in a few days.

Cinna: I got the job! YES! I'm going to be a stylist in the 74th Annual Hunger Games.

29 people like this.

Felix Frost: I knew you'd get the job!

Cygnus Swan: awesome!

Aemelia Jenkins: congrats!

Cinna: :D

Jordan Amley: Good job honeybun! I'm so proud of you.

Cinna: thanks pumpkin

Jordan Amley: So what district did you get?

Cinna: Well, they offered me District 3, but I turned them down. I told them I wanted District 12, so I'm District 12's stylist.

Jordan Amley: District 12?

Cinna: Yup :P

Jordan Amley: You know they haven't won a Games in almost 25 years, and their tributes almost die in the bloodbath, and their only victor is a drunk?

Cinna: Yes, I know all of that, but I've always wanted District 12. They're my favorite :)

Jordan Amley: oh...

Cinna went from being in a  Relationship with Jordan Amley to Single.

Cinna wrote on Jordan Amley's wall:Baby, please come back to me. I'm so lost without you.

Jordan Amley: no Cinna, I simply cannot be seen with the District 12 stylist. I want someone with more prestige. I think the District 4 stylist is single, maybe I'll go after him.

Cinna: no, please, I love you!

Jordan Amley: It's over!

Cinna likes District 12, and I can't believe I got dumped!

Cinna and Portia are now friends.

Portia ~ Cinna

It's nice to meet you, welcome to the District 12 styling team.

Cinna: Thanks, I'm glad to be here.Portia: I'm glad you're here too. My last partner was a total jerk. Every year he wanted to do the skimpy coalminer outfit. Every time I'd suggest anything else he'd just yell at me.

Cinna: We're not going to do the skimpy coalminer outfit this year. I have some really cool ideas for the chariot ride this year.

Portia: Me too! We should meet up to discuss.

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