Reese's P.O.V.
1 Year Later
"Grayson's crying."
My other best friend, Bella stated over the cries of Grayson.
"No shit Sherlock."
I said sarcastically as we walked through the narrow hallway.
I bet you're thinking,
"Whoa, whoa, wait; what is she talking about?"
Well I can make quick and simple for you.
I was tricked by a kid in Colorado during a summer party a few week after Jace had been deployed.
When everyone had found out, that Halloween (including me) no one was really surprised. They knew how lonely and confused I was about Jace leaving, and that my birthday on June 24th, turning 18 years old also had an impact on my decision at that party in Colorado.
I haven't talked to or seen that guy since.
So now I live in the basement of my parents house.
Before any of this happened when times were simpler, and Jace was still here; in America my father and him built two rooms down in the basement for company and at that point whenever Jace needed a place to crash from the two newborn wailing babies.
"What's the matter Gray?'
I asked as I walked into my two and a half year old son room.
He said. Every part of his face, and eyes were beat red from crying.
He lifted his arms up signaling for me to left him up.
"Did you find out what was the matter with Grayson?"
Bella asked as she ruffled Grayson's dirty blonde hair. That made him giggle which changed his mood for the whole entire day.
"He probably just wanted out."
I said as I checked to see if his diaper needed a change.
"Yep, just wanted out."
I verified as I decided it was the end of Grayson's nap time.
I smiled as I checked off yet another day on the calendar.
"He's going to be back in a few months, huh?"
Bella asked not looking up from scooping the ice cream.
"Yeah, only a few."
It was nearing Thanksgiving, so it was November; he was coming home in July.
"You didn't forget about what else that day, right?
Bella asked with a little smirk on her face as we sat down to watch the television shows with Grayson watched before he went to sleep.
I gave her a joking look.
I answered.
The day that Jace was coming home, July 4th (ironic huh) was also Grayson's birthday.
My little man was turning three!
Bella laughed as we ate our ice cream and then put Grayson to bed.

Military Copule: uhh... sorta
Teen FictionReese Patterson and Jace Brooks are BEST friends. That means NOTHING can separate them; right? Wrong. Their seprated by an ocean, a camo uniform and time. When Jace comes back he comes back to A LOT of change.