Reese's P.O.V.
"You know, girls are suckers for men in uniform."
I said as I stared at my best friend Jace through the reflection in his bedroom mirror.
He gave me a half-hearted smile.
"Come in Reese."
I smiled as I pushed my weight back to my feet, from my original position of leaning against the door frame.
"I'm going to miss you."
I said as I watched him pack the last of his things.
"I'm going to miss you too."
He said as he sat on the other side if his bed.
There was silence as I stared down at the camouflage hat, that was set at the end of his bed.
Was written in bold capital letters.
The golden sun that was shining from the nearby window made the cap turn a yellowish color and the black words turn a navy blue.
He sighed as he looked at me from across the blue comforter.
"Don't cry."
He said.
"I'm not crying."
I said through misty eyes.
"You're going to; you always have that look on your face when you're going to cry, always have always will."
He said as he reached over and brushed a few pieces of my auburn and dark brown hair out of my eyes.
He brushed the side of my face with the beginning of his fingertips, and ended in a hug.
I could smell his cheap cologne that I bought for him for Christmas over his heavy marine uniform jacket.
"When I come back you'll be almost twenty years old Ressie."
I was eighteen years old now, and he was nineteen.
Only five months separated us; but he always bragged that he was older; and always used it to his advantage.
Like that time during that one summer when he was nine and I was eight. Our parents had rented a summer house up in a fishing town somewhere in New Jersey. We had been able to go into the little Time Square thing, like where all the shops and cafes where by our selves for a day and we where told to be back by sunset so my father, Chuck, and his step father, Patrick could have a fire pit ready so we could roast marshmallows. But by the time the clock hit 7:30 we where on the other side of town.
"We need to get home, before my mom starts to worry!"
I said as Jace looked at all the different Supermen comic books.
"Calm down Reese, we'll be back by dark."
I sighed as I looked at the sky that was know a shade of cotton candy pink, and violet.
Fifteen comic books, five Coca-Cola's and one, "Get out its closing time!" later we finally left.
By then the bars, and night clubs started to open; and stilettos, sparkles, leather jackets, and hair gel overran the family town.
"Jace, do you know how to get home from here?"
"Uh, uh, yeah, totally!"
He reassured me with a smile.
I smiled back as I followed Jace through the unfamiliar neighborhood.
It started to get darker as we walked further, and further, away from our destination.
"Maybe we should call your mom to come pick us up."
I said as I started to shiver.
"No, I know how to get home from here, I swear!"
I sighed and kept on walking.
Finally about a half an hour later he finally took my advice.
"Maybe I should call my mom."
He said as he took out the throw away phone out of his back pocket.
I watched as Jace pressed the numbers to the summer house's phone.
"Hi mom."
"I know where late."
"Yeah where lost."
"Love you too."
He said that last part with a roll of his eyes.
"She's coming to pick us up."
"How does she know where we are?"
"I don't know; it's this sense mothers have."
We sat on the curb watching as the cars drove by.
Beep, Beep.
Jace and I both looked up to see his mothers Honda on the other side of the road.
My flash back of Jace, and the present day Jace that was geared up in his military uniform said to me in unison, both offering an outstretched hand.

Military Copule: uhh... sorta
Roman pour AdolescentsReese Patterson and Jace Brooks are BEST friends. That means NOTHING can separate them; right? Wrong. Their seprated by an ocean, a camo uniform and time. When Jace comes back he comes back to A LOT of change.