Chapter Ten

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Emma Swan fumbled with her backpack, pulling at loose strings as she sat outside of Mr. Gold's office. It had been an hour of doing just that, for the most part. She had to write a paper explaining her behavior and why she had hit that boy. Of course, it was rather hard to write exactly why she had done it, since her reasons were supposed to be kept secret. She couldn't risk anything if it had meant that Ms. Mills would ultimately lose her job.

Of course, Mr. Gold had already known why Emma started the fight and that was why she wasn't suspended. She figured the principal had it in for the English teacher, or something of that ilk. Whatever it may be, he really wasn't going to be dipping a toe into those waters any time soon.

The blonde had sat for most of the hour, thinking about the lovely dinner that she would be having with the brunette after she would be released from this little hell. She thought it would be quiet, fast, and peaceful sitting alone in the office for her punishment. But she had been dead wrong. Upon entering the domain, she soon realized just where those two boys would be. They were serving out their punishments not two tables away from Emma. They had made lewd comments upon her arrival about the blonde and Ms. Mills.

She would have pummeled their faces into the ground if not for Mr. Gold's ever watchful eye. So she had begrudgingly sat down and tried her best to ignore their comments. Thankfully the principal had put an end to all noises and told them to get to work before he would add another week for their insubordination.

Emma was now watching the two teenagers from the corner of her eyes. Each were at a different table, but with Mr. Gold's absence, they decided to make a game of it and had started to throw bits of paper at each other, all the while giggling and jeering each at other in their version of a whisper.

She really disliked teenage boys. Actually, it wasn't all of them, but more specifically these two. And the only reason why she disliked them was for their rude and crass comments about Ms. Mills. Even then, she felt so very offended by their cruel words, but now, it felt far more personal. It wasn't even just for the fact that they were making those same comments about her as well, no. It was for some reason far different. It was foreign to Emma since she had never felt so compelled towards someone as she did with the brunette teacher.

What was she getting herself into? That's what she had been asking herself ever since she woke up this morning, and the question had come more frequent after lunch. But those matters would be sorted through later, because right now, there was Mr. Gold coming out of his office to relieve them.

And as soon as he had, she was out of that office in no time and on her way to Ms. Mills' room. Her heart was fluttering madly in her chest at the thought. Those two were virtually going out on a date, although she wasn't quite sure if her brunette teacher had thought that at the time or not. But whatever it may be, she felt anxious as hell.

That was, until she heard footsteps behind her. Her mind immediately jumped to the thought of Ms. Mills, but the older woman usually wore heels...

Whipping around, she came face to face with the boy she had punched yesterday. His jaw had ugly bruises on it that made Emma proud, but the angry scowl on his lips scared proud Emma away and replaced her with a more fearful one. The teenager was much larger than she and she didn't have much of an advantage against him, especially if his equally giant friend was standing behind him. In the class, she had an advantage. Ms. Mills was there to end things when it had gotten rough, and to begin with, the boy wasn't suspecting her to deck him.

Emma straightened her back and made eye contact with the boy, pushing her fears to the far corner of her brain. She had to show them that she wasn't afraid, which was a tactic that she used to use at her former foster homes. Stand up to them and hope that they back down. So she donned the most intimidating look that she could, scowling as she spat.

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