Whats the point on judging ? [Olivia]

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I feel like I don't belong in the world. This world isn't for me. I can't fit in and I can't even talk to someone without having a mini panic attack. I want to leave this world. I get judged a lot. I get judged based on my music. Like people think I'm emo just because I listen to twenty one pilots. I get judged on what clothes I wear! Or what shoes I wear because apparently you have to wear those expensive brand shoes but I don't I wear whatever shoes I like and whatever clothes I like! Sometimes people can be a pain in the ass. I hate when people judge. What's the point on judging? What's the point on hurting people so you can feel better? I get judged like almost everyday so I'm used to it but don't let people bring you down if their judging you. Just ignore them.

Today when I got home my parents were fighting. They always fight about everything. They killed my mood. I stayed in my room the whole time and it got me sad. I hate when my parents fight. They are always fighting and I don't like that. My brother is never home. He's always with his friends or skating or doing god knows what. I had an anxiety attack like always. It just started by crying but then it turned into a anxiety attack. I hate anxiety attacks. The feeling is so weird. Like it feels like you cant control your body. You get this tight feeling in your chest and it just all feels so weird. You don't even know how long you been having the anxiety attack. You zone out of everything and you just feel like crying. You don't feel any other emotion but sadness. It isn't a fun experience but I cant do anything about it. I also started taking pills for it and my depression but I don't see how pills will help me with that?

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