~The Final Countdown~

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"hey Joe I got your message, are you sure you want to move that soon, i mean, i'm in no rush but ill let you decide"

"well i just want to, move in already! you've already kept us from doing so for 2 months, we are Not waiting another month for you to be prepared Casp, lets just move!"

"Alright, Joe! Thursday ill see you in London!"

Caspar was the first to hang up the call, Joe had been ready for the move for several months, he required Caspar to be ready 2 months ago but Caspar cant imagine being hundreds of miles away from is family, he just cant seem to let them go that easy! Caspar currently lived in south Africa, the world of pleasant heat climates, and Joe happened to live nearby where they were moving, that is why it seemed easier for Joe to get on with the move and more difficult for Caspar. 

Caspar has always been close to is mom, to him, shes more than a simple mother every child possessed, shes more of one of those BFFs. 

later Caspar, spent hours preparing for the move, packing the storage he has owned for many years he existed in South Africa. Many memories he claims, he makes the choice whether to take or leave.

Every now and again, he takes a quick gaze out the window, the atmosphere around the area was something certainly to admire and cherish.

he would then go back to serious packing feeling tired and mooded for prostrate and silence. wanting the whole move idea to moderately slow down, he felt uncomfortable and unsure about the move but felt as if it was the best thing for his future successful carea as a YouTuber!

"Caspar, let me do some packing for you, why don't you take out the dogs for a while"

"mom, i'm fine"

"come on Caspar, you haven't taken One step outdoors since the arrangement!"

"alright, through in some coffee money?" Caspar wisely grins whilst politely requesting. his mom shakes her head whilst giggling, they both have a charming hug and Caspar leaves with the dogs.

Caspar then turns up to the closest coffee shop "Espresso Doze Cafe" nearby town square, Caspar decided that bring the dogs in too would be exceptionable but...

" excuse me sir, i'm afraid you cant have the dogs in here"

*sigh*"really? but there is no were to put them outside?"

"sorry sir, not my rules"

Caspar heads to the door, opening and allowing the dogs to exit first, before Caspar reached for the handle he felt a light nudge against his shoulder, it was the employee who he spoke to a minute ago. She was handing him a free coffee on his way out.

"here ill give you the money and -"

"No. its fine, its on the house"


"Gaby, and you are?"

"Im Caspar..C-Caspar Lee"

"okay Caspar, thankyou for coming, hope you come again!"


Caspar closes the door gently behind him, with a heroic romantic sigh of realizing, he has found a perfect women he admires, Caspar then walks home with a smile amung his face, constantly looking back to his destiny and desires. he has instantly scheduled to arrive there at the same time tomorrow just so he can see Gaby again, The move with Joe was behind him, not realising how soon it is, Forgotten and neglected... 

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