To call witch's powers

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The spell is down this page so don't rush cause you got to read this,this is very important don't skip please please no I said don't skip.

Hi guys I'm sheryel and yes I'm a witch I became a witch just today june 4 2016 this spells is in my spellbook,i had this spellbook last year because i had been studying spells a long time so if it didn't work this spells is not for you so I'm gonna let you know who I am so here it goes,
I'm a girl with a black hair and a brown eyes im a witch of earth/nature so there is a lot spells I can do growing tree,speak to animals and etc.

So I have this brown eyes brown as dirt here is something to know about my family.

Mom,dad,my little sister,3 sisters are ordinary human so they are not witch but I'm a witch so I hide my cauldron,wand,spellbook and other things that witches has I hide my stuffs in my secret little house so the spell is here.

Powers of the witches coarse unseen across the skies
Come to us who call you near come to us and settle here

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