My Grandma Is A Witch!

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So here it is I'm in the library room part of the house and I was searching for books to read and a thick book fell on my head I pick it up and I saw it sparkling I knew that it was magick cause I believe in magicks a long time I sit on the chair and wipe the book because it was covered with dust anyway I was too shocked when I saw it was a spellbook and I saw that the owner is my grandma I quickly ran to grandma's house and talked about it she said that the spellbook is once her's and she quoted to be a witch cause she's so old and she said that I'm a witch since I was born cause my mom has a witchy blood  in her too.So that guys explains me why I can move things with my mind and also my mom told me that when I was sitting on a high chair that grandpa did I fell but not totally she saw me floating on the air so my mom grab me and fed me,and also I can do many things that witches do.
My grandma is a Witch!!!!!!!
And now I am.

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