The Truth?

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Chanyoel's POV

I watched her panicking with her head down. 'She's so cute when she's embarrassed. I make her crazy, huh.' I giggled.

"Y-yah!!! It's not funny!!" she asked still covering her face.

"But I can't help it. It was so cute." I giggled.

"N-no it wasn't! I completely embarrassed myself!" She answered still covering her face.

"No, not at all. It was cute, like you." I answered with a smile.

"Stop being cliche'." She answered. I giggled at her comment.

"Yah, that wasn't a compliment I hope you know!" She answered facing me. I smiled and moved my face closer to hers. She stayed stiff, and looked at me. I moved closer to her, our foreheads centimeters apart.

"You make me crazy, too." I answered looking at her eyes. Her eyes where gleaming in joy. I can tell she was happy to hear that. She quickly avoided her eyes and looked down. I moved my head back and leaned on my hand.

Iu's POV.

'You make me crazy, too.' he said. My face was burning up and I can feel his gaze on me. I felt a ball of energy exploding inside of me. Everything seemed to have stopped right there. I looked up at him and all I saw was him. No one, but us. I could hear my heart beating. It seemed loud enough for him to hear. His eyes were gleaming back with such a sweet and loving look in his eyes. It all felt familiar in a way, that I couldn't put my hand on it. It had so many emotions in them, they hold a bit of sadness, that I've never notice. And how his eyelashes are so beautifully long.

"Here's your guy's crepes." said a voice breaking the mood. We both look up to see the waiter. She glared at me, but smiled innocently to Chan.

" Thank you." Chan thanked her. She smiled walking away. She looked at at us, and I quickly stuck my tongue at her and began eating my crepes.

"I haven't had one of these is such a long time! It still tastes like heaven." I smiled.

"That's good. I'm happy you like it still." He smiled taking a bit of his.

"Jieun, you have a little something there." He said point on the side of my lips.

"Here?" I asked trying to wipe it.

"Haha, no. Let me help you." He said taking a napkin wiping the side of my lip. I could feel my cheeks heating up. 'How embarrassing!!'

"You're still a little kid." He said giving me his famous grin. I smiled and continued eating my crepe.

"Yah!" I shouted at him as he took a bit from my crepe.

"Yours is still sweet and delicious." he smiled taking another one, but I quickly moved it away.

"Yahh Jieun!!! Share with me!!" he pleaded.

"Ani." I answered sticking out my tongue.

"Yah." He said still trying to take a bit.

"Ani!! Chan you have your own!!" I defeated back shielding my crepe.

"Just on bit you're almost done." he begged again.

"Ani." I smirked but soon broke into laughter. We both giggled talking away.

>> Done eating, and now paying>>

"Where do you want to go now?" Chan asked.

"I'm not really sure." I answered awkwardly. He giggled taking hold of my hands, leading me down the streets. We stopped at a little arcade. We got some tokens and played all kinds of games together. Time again felt like it was going slow. We giggled and laughed as we played each game. We raced each other and played a lot of crazy, but fun games. It felt like a dream, but it was reality. It seem'd like a couple thing to do. We also want into a photo boot, and took many pictures. Which means a lot of cheek pinching and cute things. Once we got out of the photo booth we grabbed our pictures and laughed our faces. Then we past a crank machine. They had rilakkuma bears. There was the browns and the white bears. My eyes sparked at them.

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