Ch. 8- Concert Day!

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I woke up and for a moment, was confused by where I was. Then I remembered that I was living with One Direction! They are so nice to me and I love being with them. I took a quick shower and washed up. I happily walked down to the kitchen, and saw the boys all ready. It's only 7:30... they usually don't wake up this early.

"Oh, Nicole," Liam said, walking over to me,"We have a concert today, and we need to get ready for it this morning and afternoon. You can come if you want."

I nodded.

"Well, we have a half of an hour, so eat as much as you can," Harry replied. I nodded and grabbed a bowl of cereal and ate. From the corner of my eye, I saw Niall looking at me, as I turned to look at him, he turned away. Hm, I wonder what that was about. I continued eating and soon finished.I had ten minutes before we had to leave, so I went up to my room and put on a jacket and grabbed my bag. I walked down the stairs and saw Niall.

"We're about to leave," Niall said,"Are you coming?"

I nodded. Niall then said,"You look pretty today, love."

I blushed and followed behind Niall. We all piled into the car, but this time Louis didn't drive, they had a chauffer. All of us had to sit in the back, because their bodyguard was in the passenger's seat. I sat in between Niall and Louis in the back... talk about awkward. Harry and Zayn were messing around, Liam was on his phone, Niall was staring out the window, and Louis was messing with my hair. I tried to get him to stop, but he was persistent, so I let him. Suddenly, Zayn turned around towards Niall, Louis and me.

"Hey, Nicole," Zayn said,"We need you to have this."

He handed me an iphone5. I looked at him wide-eyed and quickly gave it back to him. There is no way I can accept such an expensive gift.

"I didn't want to resort to this, but I'll take the iphone back if you speak to me," Zayn said sneakily. Oh, he is not doing this to me! I crossed my arms.

"Fine, now you have to take it," Zayn replied, grinning over his win,"You need this. It'll be easier for us to communicate with you."

I took the iphone, and frowned at Zayn. He continued grinning and turned around to Harry. They high fived over Zayn's success. I rolled my eyes and looked at my new phone. I had never had a phone before, so I didn't even know how to turn it on. I pulled out my pad of paper and wrote:

I've never had a phone before. I need you to help me set it up.

I showed my note to Niall and handed him the phone. He started working on it for me. When we pulled into some parking lot, he handed it back to me.

"It's ready," Niall said. I grabbed the phone and started pressing buttons one the screen. As I was walking and doing that, Louis snatched the phone from me.

"I downloaded this app for you," Louis said to me,"You type whatever you want to say and it'll say it for you. Try it out."

He handed me back the phone and I was on the screen for the new app. I typed in:

(Typing in bold)

Hi Louis

The phone said Louis' name wrong.

"What?!" he exclaimed,"How dare they say my name wrong!"

Calm down Louis

"It did it again!" he exclaimed. I rolled my eyes and typed:

Just be quiet

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