Classes?! This is outrageous!

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I soon arrived at the Infirmary, only to be met by a purple haired woman that wore her hair in a ponytail. She turned, smiling brightly "May I help you with something, dear?" I grumbled. Damn bright people. "No. I was sent here to wait for my schedule." The purple haired woman smiled again "I'm Vuy, the school nurse." (A/N: Pronounced Voo-ee). "I'm Chaos." I replied in a slightly rude tone. "Welcome to the Academy, miss Chaos! I hope you find it to your satisfaction." Vuy smiled brightly once again, the brightness of it almost blinding. "That's nice, I guess..?" I snapped my eyes shut, preparing for another wave of bright smile. Vuy smiled even more warmly than before, making me fall over, almost fainting. Holy crap she's bright. 'You could always kill her.' The voice echoed in my head. I thought about it for a moment, then shook it off. No. I will resist the urge to kill. I rose back to a standing position, brushing the dust off my clothes. "So.. How long have you worked here, Vuy?" I said as I rubbed at my face. "Oh, not long! Only about two years." She smiled once again, crossing her arms under her breasts. I nodded, forcing a small smile, glancing discreetly at her breasts 'A C cup, I would say..' I then looked back at her face, forcing my smile wider "And how old might you be, if you don't mind me asking." I said, breaking the awkward silence. She twirled a strand of her purple hair around her finger, shifting her feet "I'm 24. 25 on July 20th." I nodded, once again faking a smile "I see.." (Says the blind man.. XD Sorry not sorry. I had to). She drew her hand back, a small cracking sound following "And how old are you, miss Chaos?" I tilted my head, faking yet another smile "16. 17 on October 31st." She nodded, flicking her wrist back and forth, small cracks following after as she let out a small hum. The door opened, a brown-haired man who's name doesn't matter standing there, a stack of papers in hand. He glanced briefly at me, then walked over to the nearest table and set the papers down "This is for you to fill out and Nurse Vuy to sign after." I nodded, Vuy's nod following after. "Alright, thank you..," "Just call me Mister." "Mister." He nodded politely before heading out, hands fixing the cuff-links on his suit. I took my time walking over to the table, not excited at the idea of filling out paperwork. I looked down at the papers, grumbling under my breath. I picked up the first one, the handwriting completely neat, indicating it had been typed up on a computer and printed out. And I could tell this would be a long and boring process, as the first thing on the paper was State your name here ______. Greaaattt.... Sounds exciting. Not. Sigh.. Might as well get this over with. I looked around before spotting a pencil sitting in a neatly placed cup precisely in the middle of the table. ..Weird. I shrugged it off as nothing and grabbed the pencil, writing down my name. Next question. Age:__. I already told that Lord Death guy this shit already! Why should I have to write it down?! I continued grumbling under my breath as I worked on the rest of the sheet. I flipped it over to discover it had a backside. You've got to be... SUSGVNTC!! THAT BITCH BETTER HAVE A GOOD ASS EXCUSE FOR THIS SHIT!! I tried to calm the inner turmoil, forcing a small smile as I worked on the backside of the sheet. I quickly finished it, picking up the next sheet. Please select the electives you would like to have, 1 being your first choice and 5 being your last. Okay, who the fuck said I would be signing up for classes? Not me, that's for damn sure! I hit my head into the table, small thunk sounds following as I did so. A hand grasped my shoulder, yanking me backwards to prevent my attempted suicide. I glared at the woman behind it. Vuy. She smiled nervously now "C-Can you n-not do t-that? I d-don't want y-you to hurt y-yourself." I sighed, leaning my head forward, shrugging her off "Fine." I returned to the table, continuing with the paper.

~Timeskip, brought to you by Vuy being the new Crona and Chaos trying to commit suicide~

I handed the now completed stack of papers to Mister, as he had returned right as I was completing the last sheet. He nodded politely once again, smiling softly. He headed off, waving "Be seeing you, miss Chaos. I hope you find the DWMA to your approval." I smiled, waving back "I shall. If everybody is as nice as you, I don't have a thing to worry about." He laughed, smiling warmly "Quite the flatterer, aren't you?" I tilted my head, grinning "Perhaps." He smiled again, quickly disappearing around a corner. To deliver the papers to Lord Death, I would assume. I turned to Vuy once again, leaning into the table, propping myself on it with my elbows "So what now? Do I just sit here until someone comes back to escort me to my first class, or what?" Vuy smiled nervously "Yes, I suppose you do." I tilted my head boredly, humming a gentle tune. "What are you humming?" Vuy asked curiously. I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye, sighing "A song my mom used to sing to me." Vuy looked curious, grasping her chin "A song? What is it?" I hesitated before I began singing "Hush now child, don't peep a word. Mama's gonna catch you a mockingbird. And if that bird gets away, Mama's gonna catch you a frog to eat." Her eyes widened, almost fearfully "You eat frogs?" "Naw. I don't like how they taste." I tilted my head, grinning "Why?" She backed up, hands held in front of her "N-No reason.. I-It's just t-that I-I like f-frogs." I tapped my chin "Hm. You sound like the kind of woman Eruka would be friends with." "Who's E-Eruka?" She stuttered, still keeping her distance. "An acquaintance of mine." I replied, walking over to her at a leisurely pace. Vuy held out her arms, as if to say 'Keep away'. I grabbed her wrists, and pulled myself into her arms, my body resting comfortably on hers. "So. Tell me, Vuy. Are you easily pleased?" Vuy's face turned a very light shade of pink "Y-Yes... W-Why do you a-ask?" I grinned, licking my lips "No reason. Unless you count this as a reason." I mumbled the last sentence as I leaned forward, draping an arm across her shoulders, nails digging into the side of her neck, lips pressing lightly into hers. Vuy's eyes shot wide but went even wider when my tongue pushed gently on her lips. Vuy kept her lips tightly shut, trembling slightly. I gave a light growl in agitation before digging my nails into her neck again, a few drops of blood sliding down her neck. She gasped in surprise and pain, wincing. My eyes settled close again, pushing my tongue into her mouth, leaning against her further. A tiny spark rode up my throat from within, quickly finding its way into hers. That spark? Well, if you payed any attention to Soul Eater, you should know what it is. Vuy didn't notice, busy with being surprised. Her eyes went wide once again as the doorknob turned, shoving me away. The door swung open to reveal a man with somewhat disheveled clothes. This man had silver hair and olive green eyes. He held up a paper "Here's your schedule. Lord Death has asked me to escort you to your first class, judging as I am your first teacher." I nodded, smiling lightly (and fakely) as I licked my lips, smirking over at Vuy. She jumped a bit, shuffling backwards. I returned my gaze to the silver-haired man "Alright then, Professor." He set the paper on the table, a hand going to the screw in his head. He twisted it until it made a satisfying click. "That's Professor Stein to you." He returned his hand into his coat pockets before turning around to exit the room "Now come on. I'm late to my own class." I nodded before beginning to follow him. I quickly grabbed my schedule from the table and gave a wink to Vuy. Her face flushed a bit at this. I chuckled under my breath, turning back around to keep up with Stein. We turned hall after hall until we eventually arrived at a classroom with a sign that said Class Crescent Moon. "Well? Are you ready?" I nodded "Sure. I don't really care either way." He slowly opened the door to the classroom, the hinges creaking.

A Witch's Daughter (A Soul Eater OC Story) *REWRITTEN*Where stories live. Discover now