Chapter 5

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I decided to go walk off without her. I lost her so I decided to take my glasses off I could hardly see anything but, still enough to know where I was going.
And kill a few biters in my way. I found Taylor again and I started to run but, she caught up with me. We walked and walked my clothes I was wearing became worn
out and smelly.
We went into a old abandon apartment complex. I took a shower and changed my clothes I brushed my teeth. I packed up my bags and, told her that I an ready to leave.
And of course she wasn't ready 2 hours later she was ready
We walked out and I saw a..........
Hord of biters
We screamed as we killed them off one by one
I sighed in happiness for it to be over
I took very deep breathes
Hoping their were no more biters near by
We walked and walked more my hair became damp from taking a shower earlier.
We walked up the street and saw some.......

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