Chapter 20: Mission imposible (Dum dun dundun dun dun dundduuuun)

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-----Lilly's POV-----

"Danny why are you avoiding me" I asked really hurt he looked at me as shock and hurt flashed through his eyes "Lilly I am not avoiding you I just have to do something very important... I promise I will spend every second with you on you birthday" he said sheepishly. "Fine what are you doing though??"

"That Lilly is a surprise" he replied with a smirk and a wink. Ok now I am very excited for tomorrow...

---Danny's POV---

Ok tonight at midnight we are all going to escape. what is going to happen first is I am going to shrink Leo and Rose. then I am going to grab Lilly and we are going to leave the place.

*one day later* * at midnight*

Ok Leo and Rose we're in my pocket their tracking devices in their beds. I picked a sleeping Lilly up and walked through the door and out the building I looked at the street and memorized the address I saw a bunch of men running towards us and I ran. I ran as fast as I could for as long as I could. I heard a bang. pain was flaring through my body and Lilly woke up with a start. she looked at me and paled. The pain was killing me... I screamed I put Lilly down and Leo and Rose jumped out my pocket. black dots covered my vision...



I have lots of homework and I don't have much time for writing.. I promise I will update again soon

Brianna x


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