Zayn Malik

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Your sitting on the couch all alone because Zayn was touring. You both have been dating for about 6 months and it's been the happiest you've been in your entire life.

You got bored just sitting on the couch, so you put on Wall-E and popped a bag of popcorn.

You just got to the part when Wall-E is getting squished in the tube thing from trying to put the plant in, when the doorbell rang. You groaned but got up all the same.

"COMINGGGGG!" You yelled once you've reached the door. You opened it to be face to face with your boyfriend. ZAYN MALIK!

You squealed and jumped onto him giving him a huge bear hug. He just chuckled and kissed your hair.

"I missed ya, babe." He whispered into my ear, making shivers run down my spine. You snuggled your head into his neck and whispered," I missed you, too." He hugged you tighter and walked into the house, kicking the door shut.

You heard him take his shoes off and walked over to the couch. You still clung onto him when we sat down, so now your on his lap.

He chuckled at the TV screen that had Wall-E and Eva smooching.

"What? We do that to you know." I stated matter-of-factly. He looked at me, straight in the eye and smashed his lips onto mine. I responded back with no hesitation. It was a sweet and passionate kiss that started getting heated. He pulled away, much to my disappointment, to catch his breath, still looking me in the eye.

"I love you, (y/n)" He said breathlessly. You froze when he said that. He loves me? He loves me?! He said he loves me!!!!

You recovered your shock when you saw his face held pain and sadness, while he mumbled something.

"What was that?" You asked softly. He sighed and looked down.

"You probably don't love me back." He said, with a small tear running down his cheek. to say you were shocked was a understatement. So you lifted his head up with your fingers so your forcing him to look at you. Once you did so, you attacked his lips with yours. You put as much love you can conjure up into that kiss. It was a soft and tender kiss that made Zayn's grip on you tighten even more that last time. You pulled away and opened your eyes to see those familiar brown eyes filled with love.

"I love you, too, Zayn. And I always will." His face held happiness and love.

You pecked his lips once more and rested each others foreheads together. As cliche as it seems, they both whispered,

"I love you."


Sorry if this sucks, this is my first time writing these...

Anyways, please COMMENT, VOTE, and SHARE!

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