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April's POV:8-years ago

"April why you home so early?",mum asked as I walked through the front door,I dropped my keys on the counter and proceeded to the kitchen were  she was at the moment "well I was let out of school early I think it had something to do with my nausea earlier and then fainting during PE class",i replied.My mum wiped her hands off and strolled towards me worry clearly evident on her face"why sweetie you're running a temperature,what's wrong?",she asked as she placed the back of her hand on my forehead,"caught a cold or something probably from the last time you went out late I'll make you some soup just go freshen up OK? I'll just be a minute" "okay mum I'll be up then thanks",i kissed her on the cheek and left for my room after picking up my backpack.
I strolled into my room and fell flat on my queen sized bed we weren't rich but we weren't poor either we were very much well off I never lacked any necessity but I didn't enjoy privileges other teenagers my age had example designer clothes ofcause I had a few but nothing to boast about,luxury cars I drove a Toyota Yaris which isn't in the best condition ,I didn't dine at fancy restaurants only on  important occasions and I certainly didn't go on shopping sprees anytime I god damn pleased so point is I'm plain AVERAGE!. I got up from my bed to start taking my clothes off for a shower when suddenly my door flew open "Dennis don't you know how to fucking knock? I was in the middle of stripping and trust me if you would have come any later you would have been scared with the image of me naked for life" Dennis is my annoying older brother who I've had murderous thoughts of don't tell him that but yeah sometimes I wish I could just strangle him you feel me? "well thank God I'm on time mum asked me to bring this to you says she's got something important to do at work",he said as he put the bowl of soup at my head side drawer "thanks",I muttered "Uhun by the way why you home so early is it just the fever or something else bothering you" Dennis asked with a concerned tone "thought you didn't care",i said with a playful smile on my lips "ofcause I do come on you're my baby sis",he took a step forward and ruffled my hair something that usually got me angry "Dennis I'm not four anymore come on",i tried to sound  serious "but you'll always be adorable little April to me",he said in a cute voice and pouted I glared as him "OK fine I'm leaving geesh,looks like it's that time of the month again ",he murmured the last part "yeah whatever",I pushed at his chest "Now please leave I have a soup to get back to" "fine!I'll be out with some friends though if that's OK with you but if you need me here then ..." , "it's alright Dennis you can leave I'll just clean up and be off to bed no problem at all" "alright then sis I love you take care"he said as he planted a small kiss on my forehead,i punched him hard in the guts but with his muscular structure I doubt it had much effect but he faked hurt anyway clutching his stomach he said, "ow that hurt April talk about bad mood swing" he walked away as I stared at his retreating form with a smirk I called out "and hey I'm ok alright nothing at all bothering me I'll be good as new in no time" "I here ya",he answered and threw one last smile my way then he was gone.
I kicked off what was a black skinny jean and threw my shirt over my head grabbed a clean towel and walked into my en suite bathroom,it was nothing extravagant but it was perfect I walked into the shower and pulled the curtains shut just incase somebody decided not to knock again!note the sarcasm. I turned on the shower and just let the luke warm water wash all over,after about five minutes I got out and dried myself up,i threw on a night shirt with some clean panties and made my way toward my bed grabbing my laptop.I sloped into bed and started drinking my soup then it dawned on me mum was right after I went out the other day with Derek and the guys I haven't exactly been myself do you think it has something to do with what happened between you and him a voice in my head said but I quickly dismissed it Derek and I well...let's just say I hooked up with my crush since kindergarten and lost my innocence to him too, I wouldn't have had it any other way it was perfect just like I have always dreamed it would be plus he played safe (used protection), but you're still a few days late this month the voice said again what else could it be? Well Iono coincidence? I tried convincing myself so I decided to let it slide with hopes that it was just that ...a coincidence and with that I fell asleep.


Waking up the next morning I was feeling a whole lot better mum even said my temperature had turned down a notch so I decided to head out to school not as promptly as usual but I did go besides I couldn't miss a day without seeing my best friend Charlotte and Derek too the voice said,i just mentally rolled my eyes and gave a small smile yeah him too I thought. After Dennis dropped me off at school I strolled in with a little bit of discomfort  having a fever in all,it was better but still there,i sneezed Yup definitely still there I thought, I walked in through the doors of East High but I couldn't miss the strange looks the students were giving me do I really look that bad? Curse you fever! I ignored them and walked over to my locker punched in the code and took out my notes for the first three periods just then I felt someone wrap their hand around my eyes I smiled, only one person does that to me and it's none other than my bestest friend on the face of the earth "Charlotte", I said as I turned completely and received a hug almost simultaneously "hey April Wassup ",she said as she let go "how's you feeling hope you doing better now? " "I'm almost good as new",I replied with a smile "well I wouldn't say 'as new' if I were you", she winked, I flushed red immediately "Char quiet down someone might here you" and yes I know what you're thinking Char knows about me and Derek doing the dirty she was the one who proposed going with him in the first place so after he asked me too I couldn't hesitate I mean hello he's my fucking crush! "right",she said and drew an invisible zip right between her lip,if I were a guy I'd consider that a turn on Charlotte was pretty hot if I do say so myself no hurt feelings but I wasn't nearly as cute as she was, it's no surprise she's more experienced in the whole dating thing I snapped out of my thoughts with the constant waving of a hand in front of me "earth to April? ",Char said "Uhun " I replied hesitantly "I was asking you if you had spoken to Derek since the you know what",she spelled out for me like a toddler learning to read,my cheeks tinted a light shade of red again "no? "I answered "I mean I've seen him around but we haven't really spoken he's always with someone,but rest easy I plan on talking to him today at all cost" "why is that?",she asked curiously "well because...",I trailed off as soon as my eyes came in contact with the hot bundle of muscle I was looking for "I'll tell you in a bit I'll just go talk to Derek right now "I pecked her before leaving,immediately she turned on her heels and left wish me luck something tells me I might need it.

First chapter of this book is done with did I mention this is my second here on wattpad?link of the first on my bio anyways,how am I doing so far great :) or Nah :( ? Is it something you see yourself reading in the future?:\ hopefully yes! Don't forget to show some love to your girl by tapping the little star tingy at the bottom of your screen *wink*
constructive criticism is allowed but don't push it love y'all,toodles.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2016 ⏰

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