Louis's Cousin (One Direction fanfic)

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 CHAPTER 1             (Bridget's)  It was an afternoon I texted my best friends Briana and Jillian to meet me in the park.I was sitting on the swing when Jillian came up from behind and pushed me. "What the fuck Jill you gave me a heart attack" "and I'm like OW WW YOUR GIVING ME A HEART ATTACK" Briana came up singing. "So whats up Bridget? why did we have to meet you at the park?" Briana and Jillian said at the same time "well first stop talking at the same time its annoying and second because my mom and dad are letting me go to London to meet my cousin Louis" "and this involves us how?" Jillian asked "I'm going to say it real slow Jill my cousin Louis as in LOUIS TOMLINSON FROM ONE DIRECTION!!!" "OMFG ONE DIRECTION!!! BRIDGET THAT EXPLAINS WHY YOU ACT LIKE HIM SO MUCH "Briana screamed "I still don't know why this involves us" Jillian said "because my mom don't trust me alone in London so she said i can bring two friends, so PACK YOUR BAGS BITCHES YOUR GOING TO LONDON WITH ME FOR 2 MONTHS!!!!" " we need to go shopping before we leave so i can buy you two a new wardrobe" Briana said nonchalantly ' and whats wrong with what i wear?" Jillian ask " Jill your wearing sweat pants I'm changing your wardrobe" Briana replied. By now I was on the ground holding my stomach from laughing so hard. "What are you laughing at Bridget she said you two?" Jillian sassed "I don't need my wardrobe changed I'm perfect the way i am" I sassed back doing a Z-formation snap."Bridget your in basketball shorts and a tank-top I'm changing your wardrobe to." Before i could reply I was dragged down the street to a bunch of... DRESS shops.            

 CHAPTER 2    (Briana's)      We are all currently at the mall in a dress shop.Jill was OK with the idea of wearing a dress but every time I looked at Bridget she would give me a glare saying you-know-i-don't-like-dresses but I just ignored it and continued to look for a dress."Bridget come on stop being a fun sponge" I finally said to her. She looked up from her phone and said " fuck you" gave me the finger and looked back down at her phone. I sighed and continued to search for a dress when we herd: YOUR HAND FITS IN MINE LIKE ITS MADE JUST FOR ME BUT BEAR THIS IN MINE IT WAS MEANT TO BE. Bridget quickly answered her phone without looking at the caller ID. "Hello" Bridget said to the phone and put it on speaker so me and Jill can hear.I looked up to find that Jillian was gone and than I herd her voice come out of Bridget's phone sounding worried. "Bridget I'm lost can you and Briana come find me please?" Jillian begged through the phone."ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME JILL WE LEAVE YOU ALONE FOR 5 MINUTES AND YOU GET LOST IN THE STORE? HOW BLOND CAN YOU GET?" Bridget sounded pretty angry at Jill for getting lost in the SAME store as us."Bridget your attracting weird glares from people walking by.Lower your damn voice before i duck tape it shut!" " SHUT UP. We better go get Jill paged" Bridget replied back to me.

CHAPTER 3     (Jillian"s)        After Briana and Bridget found me we decided to go pack. "So i was thinking sleepover at my place since its the only one clean?" Briana asked "my house is very clean so help you bri" Bridget said back in a matter-of-fact tone. "Ya rite Bridget clean as in pizza boxes and paper every were am i rite Bri?" " Jill's got a point Bridget" Briana said agreeing with me."Whatever can we just go home and pack now?" Bridget asked getting annoyed by us. "Ya we should get packing" Briana said. We said our goodbyes and I search for my key and unlocked the door. Once I was all finished packing I headed over to Bri's apartment rite across the street and knocked on the door. A very tired looking Bri opened the door and sat on the couch patting the seat next to her. I gladly sat next her and rite when I did the door flung open and we heard Bridget's big mouth."HONEY I'M HOME" Bridget yelled through the apartment and jumped on my lap just to be pushed back off. "OW WW that hurt Jilliebean"Bridget said using the name i hate "next time just sit on the couch than!" "did you just sass me?" Bridget asked. What did I just start."ENOUGH I'M GOING TO SLEEP! Jill you get the couch and Bridget follow me to the guest room" Briana said getting up. "HA-HA JILL I GET A BED AND YOU GET A COUCH!!!!" Bridget yelled and got hit in the back of the head by Bri.

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