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After talking Stilinski into going to the station, Stiles, Scott and Elizabeth followed him inside.
"It's two in the morning."
"Believe me I wouldn't be here if it wasn't extremely important.

Nodding, Stilinski sighed. "Thank you.. Guys."
They followed him into the office, and they watched the security cameras.
"Ah, I remember this. There was a six car pile-up that night. Hospital was jammed - "
"Just keep going he has to be on one of the cameras to get to Jessica, okay?"

"Woah woah, stop! Did you see that? scroll back."
Elizabeth focused her tired eyes on the screen.
"That's him - that's Matt!"
"All I can see is the back of someone's head."
"Matt's head, yeah. I sit behind him in History, he's got a pretty distinct .. "
"Are you crazy?" Stilinski asked.

"Alright, fine then, look at his jacket, huh? How many people do you know that wear black leather jackets?"
Derek popped into Elizabeth's head as Stilinski replied. "Millions."
"There has to be some shot of his face." Elizabeth piped in.
"There he is!"
"It's the back of his head again."
"But he's talking to someone." Elizabeth said.

Scott's eyes glued to the screen.
"He's talking to my mom."

"Scott, do you know how many people I deal with in a day?" She asked.
"This one's sixteen, dark hair, looks like a normal teenager.."
"He looks evil." Stiles shouted.
"Scott, I already talked to the police about this."
"Just send her a picture." Elizabeth suggested. Scott snapped a photo of his photo, sending it to her.
"I remember I stopped him because he was tracking mud into the hall."

Elizabeth looked at Stiles.
"We've got shoe prints along the tire tracks on the trail site."
"If they match, that puts Matt at the scene of three murders."
"Four actually."

"Son of a bitch." Elizabeth muttered.
"Alright, dad. If one's an incident, two's a coincidence and three's a pattern, what's four?"
"Four is enough for a warrant."

Stiles bombed the air as Stilinski turned to Scott. "Scott, call your mom back and see how fast she can get here. If I can get an official I.D. I can get a search warrant."
"Stiles, Liz, go to the front desk and tell them to let Scott's mom in when she gets here."
"On it."

Walking out of the office, they stopped as the desk was empty.
"Stiles." Elizabeth said, swallowing.
The two looked down at the floor, seeing the woman laying with blood over her.
As the two turned around, Elizabeth gasped as a gun was pointed to their heads.

Matt, with tears in his eyes, tilted his head.

"Derek? Derek, we don't have much time."
Derek gasped as he opened his eyes, breathing heavily. Deaton sat next to him.
Standing to his feet, he stumbled back, Deaton's arm catching him.
"You're going to be weak for several hours."

Derek looked down at his arm before the hole in the floor, remembering Peter's resurrected body.
"It actually happened."
"Don't worry, you're still an Alpha, as usual. Not particularly a confident one."
"Where is he?"
"I wish I could tell you."
"How about you tell me what you're doing here, and why you're helping me."

"Helping your family actually used to be a very important part of my life."
Derek stared at him.
"Helping you, was a promise I made to your mother."
"You're the one my sister talked about... Said you're kind of , an adviser?"
"She was right. And I have some advice you need to listen to very closely right now. What Peter managed to do, doesn't come without a price. He'll be physically weak, so he'll rely on the strength of his intelligence. It's cunning, he's going to come at you, Derek. Do not trust him."

"I don't trust anyone." Derek said.
"We both know the two people you trust. If you trusted everyone, you might become the Alpha you like to think you are. You trust him, but he doesn't trust you."
"He and Elizabeth are with Stilinski. You need to find him, you need to find him as fast as you can. I've known Gerard for a long time, he always has a plan."

Looking toward the hole, he continued. "And something tells me it's going exactly the way he wants it to."

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