Remy x Reader

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You were minding you own business, cleaning the apartment you and your boyfriend Remy Lebeau, aka Gambit, shared when you heard a crash in the kitchen. Knowing it was probably just your best friend Kurt returning from Xavier's Institute to keep you company for the summer holidays, you ignored it and carried on singing as you cleaned.

"What are these footprints? They don't look very human like...Now I wish that I could find my clothes, bedsheets and a morning rose" You sang, dancing around the living room.

"Having fun singing Cherie?" A voice you hadn't heard for a while commented and you jumped, flinging the duster in the general direction the voice came from.

You looked up and saw... Remy standing their wearing what looked like a Groom's tuxedo.

"Kurt! Mmph-" you yelled to your friend but were cut off when a pair of lips crashed into yours and a body backed you into the nearest wall. You shoved the man off you and slapped him across the face.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" You snarled, fixating a glare on the man.

"(Y/N), Cherie. Remy missed you-" Gambit begun but you glared at him once more.

"So you think you can just come into my house after nearly three years of a 'mission', which seemed more like a lie because it looks like you got hitched, and then kiss me? I'm sorry mister, I don't care how much you've missed me Remy - you don't deserve me!" You yelled angrily.

"Look (N/N)-" He began again.

"Don't oven think about calling me anything other than my name you bas-" You rose a hand to smack Remy again as a hand reaches out to grab your arm.

"Just hear Remy out will you? (Y/N), Remy is so sorry for everything but you have to believe him-" Gambit began to say.

"He didn't do it (N/N). I promise, he told me that his old girlfriend to tried to get him to marry her but he resisted" Kurt cut off his fellow X-man.

"Marriage?" You hissed and Remy flinched back.

"She's very pretty-" The man began.

Kurt groaned "You're not helping yourself here..." He rubbed his temple as you sighed.

"Remy look, I know you didn't do it... But coming into our house unannounced, kissing me out of the blue, calling your crazy ex but now kind of wife pretty and not taking off your shoes really doesn't help your case..." You walk over to him and place your arm on his shoulder.

"Remy be sorry Chere..." He whispered, but you hushed him with a finger to the lips.

Kurt coughed and excused himself, shutting the door behind him. You turned towards Remy, clothed still in his Groom outfit and he glanced at you, dressed in a pair of jeans and a plaid shirt and you smiled up at him, reaching up to kiss him when he turned his head to the side, stopping you.

"You're right mon amour... Remy don't deserve you. Remy don't deserve this, a forgiving friend and beautiful woman about to confess her undying love for me but, if you will, and Remy know this is a lot to ask, but Remy kept it safe because the night Remy was called away was the night this was going to happen..." The mutant shut his eyes and knelt down on one knee, taking a small box from his pocket.

"Oh my God..." You gasped, hand flying to your mouth, knowing what was about to happen.

"My belle (Y/N), still, after three years, would you do the honour of becoming my wife?" Remy asked, staring up at you.

"I-I... Well I don't know what to say... I love you Remy, I really do but..." You trailed off, looking at the ground.

"But what?" Horror filled the man's face.

"But I... I erm... I knew the man I loved three years ago, but do I love the man you are today? For God's sake Remy, I've been alone here for years dreaming of this very moment so, convince me that you are still the man I loved" You knelt down to his level.

"Of course... Anything for ma belle fille" He muttered, placing his lips gently to yours, hands grasping your hair then trailing down to the small of your back as he scooped you up and twirled you around, not breaking the kiss between you. You pulled away and leant in close.

"Of course I'll marry you" you whispered. "If you carry on like that I can't help but say yes"

"Merci. Merci Cherie, merci" He muttered, kissing you once more turning the kiss into a full make out session which you melted into instantly, allowing him access to every part of your body he wanted to touch, letting him find comfort in your body after three years of not seeing, talking to or touching you.

You couldn't help the giggles and gasps that escaped from your mouth at the hands or lips of the certain Cajun.

"Remy, (N/N), you've been in there a while, is everything- Oh my eyes!" Kurt shut the door as quickly as he opened it and left the pair of you together, teleporting back to the Institute, not wanting to be in the apartment with that the two of you were going to probably end up doing that night.

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