Dumb Marshall!

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Hello everyone, I wanted to put a song that Marshall Lee sang but I can't find one without Fiona in it. I didn't really like the Marshall Lee version of I'm just your problem so yah. I'm gonna shut up now.
(Marshall Lee x reader)

Y/n's P.O.V.

"MARSHALL LEE GIVE ME THAT BACK!!" I reached to Marshall Lee to grab my diary back.

"Let's see here, blahblahblah Fiona kicked butt blahblahblah" he gasped "I HAVE SOMETHING TO CONFESS!! I LIKE GUMBALL!!" He read from my diary.


"Y/n, you like Gumball? Oh my gosh." He said covering his mouth with his hand while staring at me with wide eyes obviously pretending to be surprised. "I wonder what he'll say after hearing this?" He added as he flew to the window "Maybe I should tell him." He teased.


"Oh and why shouldn't I tell him?" He said as he raised both his eyebrows.

"Because... I'll do anything just to make you keep your mouth shut!" I yelled without thinking.

"Anything?" He asked, I'm so gonna regret this.

"Anything." I said trying to convince him, by the looks of it he already planned something evil.

"Then do whatever I say in one whole day." He demanded.

"Anything but that!!" I yelled

"Okay, I guess I'll just tell Gumball then." He smirked as he started to get ready to fly.

"I MEAN YES ILL DO IT!! JUST PLEASE DON'T TELL GUMBALL!!" I yelled while holding onto his ankle.

He smirked again. NO NOT THE SMIRK! ANYTHING BUT THE SMIRK!! "I'm gonna love this." He said.

--the next day--


"AAAAAAA!! WHAT THE BLOB MARSHALL!!" I yelled after the vampire king YELLED ON MY EAR TO WAKE ME UP!

"Remember our deal?" He bickered

"Oh yah, wake me up in 2,000 yrs." I said as I tried to go back to sleep.

"Ah ah ah, you're coming with me." He said as he blocked my with his arm.

"But it's 6:00 am!" I wined.

"I mean, if you want me to tell Gumball, you can go back to sleep, I could just fly there and-" "NO!" I cut him off. "Just let me change for a sec." I said as I pushed him out.

I changed into (outfit of choice) then walked out of my room.

--timeskip ~ brought to you 🎵by these lumps!🎵--

"Where are we going?" I asked Marshall for the 50th time trying to bug him.

"I said you'll find out, for the 50TH TIME!!" He yelled.

"Sheesh no need to yell..." I answered back.

"Whatever, anyway, we're here." Marshall Lee said as I saw a dirty pond in his cave that was clearly not cleaned in 1,000 years.

"Why are we here?" I asked in disgust, this place was just NASTY.

"Because, tonight I have a special thing planned and I want you to clean this entire place." He said.

"There's no way I'm cleaning this place up." I said as I grabbed what seemed to be a dirty boot that was just on the water skinning like skunk.

"Okay... Then I'll just Gumball that-" "NO! ILL CLEAN THE PLACE ILL CLEAN THE PLACE!!" I cut him off as he smirked.

"Well make it snappy, and while you're at it get me some red apples, the reddest ones." He said as he lays down on what seems to be a hammock. "Oh and call me master." He added.

"Yes MASTER!" I answered clearly showing how much I hate him right now.

--time skip brought to you by Finn's bear hat--

I ended up wearing a maid dress because Marshall Lee said that it was BETTER. I say it's crap.

"What else can I do for you, master?" I said as I feed him more red.

"Hmmm... Fan me." He said.

"Yes Master." I said as I fanned him.

"Actually you know what? How about you set the place up?" He said.

"What will I do to the place, Master?" I asked. I so hate you right now!

"Just decorate it, It's a celebration for something later. Decorate it in anyway you want." He said. What should I do to the place?

--time skip to before the party cause I be lazyyyyyyy--

"Wear this." Marshall Lee said as he handed me a (f/c) cocktail dress. "So that you'll actually look presentable." He added then he left me in the room, with a dress, and a maid outfit that's dirty.

"I don't even wear dresses!" I whined. (If you do like wearing dresses or just wear dresses, please just pretend ✌)

After I changed I went out of Marshall Lee's house and went to the pond of the cave. Wearing high heels and a dress.

--time skip to when you got to the party brought to you by Jake's little puppies-- (no not those puppies >_>)

"Y-you look... Lovely (Y/n)." Prince Gumball complimented me.. I swear I saw him blushing!

"T-thanks... You look awesome too..." I blushed. IM SO RED!!!

"A little red aren't we?" Marshall Lee said floating above me.

"Oh, hey Marshall Lee." I said annoyed by the vampire ruining my moment. He flew down and stood up on his feet.

"The dress did look pretty on you... But there's something missing..." He said.

"What?" I asked him.

"Oh! I know!" He said as he put a necklace with a heart ruby and pearls around it on my neck. "There." He smiled at the necklace gift that he gave me.

"U-ummm... Thanks..." I said shyly because Gumball was staring at it. Then I noticed Marshall Lee giving a glare to Gumball and Gumball suddenly stopped looking at it.

"W-well.. I think I should meet up with the other guests... I'll see you guys around later..." Gumball said as he walked to Fiona.

"So what do you think?" Marshall Lee asked me.

"It's pretty nice, it looks like you manage to get a lot of people to come." I said talking about the party.

"Not about that, the necklace." He said.

"Oh, it's beautiful! Thank you Marshall Lee!" I said hugging him, his face suddenly heat up.

"You know, it's not for free right?" He said.

"Wait wha-" I was cut off by a pair of cold lips that pressed my own. At first I was shocked but I kissed back and melted into the kiss.

"(Y/n)... Will you be my girlfriend?" He said holding my hand as he layed down on one knee the other standing for support.

"Y-yes, Marshall Lee I will..." I said surprised by his actions. I never put this in my diary or told it to anyone 'cause I know Marshall Lee will find out but.. It wasn't Gumball that I liked, It was Marshall Lee.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2016 ⏰

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